Chapter 2: Edited

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Chapter 2

"Welcome to the modern Marvels Pavilion," A recorded man says over the loudspeaker. They walk in and find a great spot in the floor to watch the demonstration. Sydney goes to stand next to Bucky, but Connie elbows her out of the way, and she stands next to Steve. "And the World of Tomorrow. A greater world. A better world."

"Oh my god! It's starting!" Connie says and Sydney rolls her eyes as the woman jumps up and down. Sydney smiles at her brother, trying to divert her attention away from Bucky for the moment, as she wouldn't let her jealousy get in the way of having a good time, as she had in the past.

Connie hugs onto Bucky's arm, pressing her perfect body against his equally perfect one. She felt sick, before the show even started, and had to leave. She makes her way out of the crowd, and runs out of the hall. She couldn't help it. The evil smirk she was getting from the manic pixie was a sure sign of the girl's hold over Bucky. She was doing it to spite Sydney, and Bucky would never see that. She sits on one of the benches and puts her head in her hands, silent tears slipping from her closed eyes. 

"Are you okay miss?" She hears and accented voice say to her. It was a man in his mid to late 60's with greying hair, pale skin and brown eyes. She wipes the tears away and sits up straighter, doing what her mama told her to do. 

"Yes, just boy troubles." Sydney smiles as the man sits down next to her.

"Oh?" Wanting her to continue, he places his bag in between them on the bench.

"Yea. I'm in love with this guy but he's always with other girls and it just makes me jealous," Sydney says and the man nods. "He's in the military and I've always wanted to join, and I've applied many times but can never get in."

"Hm, that's quite the dilemma," He says.

"Quite." Sydney laughs at her own reply, though it was quite obviously humourless.

"Reapply tomorrow at the Brooklyn enlistment center. I have a good feeling that you and your brother will make it through." The  older man gets up and begins to leave.

"What time?!" Sydney calls, remembering he didn't give her a reply.

"10:30 am!" He calls, not looking back, slowly walking out of sight. Well, they had somewhere to be tomorrow morning, and hopefully it would be good.


The next day they were in the medical wing of the enlistment center, waiting, together in a room, not wanting to be apart. Suddenly, a nurse comes in and tells the doctor something, and they both leave. Steve and Sydney look up and see the 'No lying on the enlistment form' sign and get panicked. Steve jumps over to the only chair and starts putting on his shoes when an officer comes in. He stands at the door, and Steve stops, just looking up at the officer. The officer sticks his head out and nods before leaving and another man comes in. It was the same man from the night before. Sydney was sure of it. 

"Thank you," The man says to the officer.

"You!" Sydney exclaims. It was the man. She was sure of it. 

"What?" Steve asks, confused by his sister's sudden outburst. 

"It's the guy I talked to last night! The one with the accent!" Sydney says and Steve remembers their conversation.

"So." The man from the night before  has a file in his hands. "You want to go overseas. Kill some Nazis."

"Excuse me?" Sydney and Steve say in unison.

"Dr. Abraham Erskine," Dr. Erskine says. He goes over and shakes Steve's hand before doing the same with Sydney, patting her hand with his other, before letting go. 

"Dr. Erskine," Sydney says like a soldier would address a captain or a colonel. 

"Please, just Abraham," Abraham says.

"Okay, Abraham." Sydney tries it out, liking the feeling of it passing through her lips.

"I represent the Strategic Scientific Reserve." Abraham places his files on a table next to them. 

"Steve Rogers." 

"Sydney Rogers, I like this game!" Abraham laughs while Sydney had a large smile on her face. 

"You are very funny," Abraham says through bouts of laughter.

"Where are you from?" Steve broke up the little conversation Sydney and Abraham were having. 

"Queens. 73rd Street and Utopia Parkway." Sydney raises her eyebrows, not expecting that answer. "Before that, Germany." Sydney nods. She was still sitting on the examination table, while her brother was now standing. "This troubles you?" He asks the siblings.

"No, not at all," They say in sync.

"Where are you from, Mr. and Ms. Rogers? Is it New Haven?" He reads from his folder. They start to get really nervous, and Steve looks like he's about to clock the guy and run. "Or Paramus? Five exams in five different cities-" He's cut off by Sydney.

"That might not be the right file." She says this quickly, obviously nervous, but tries to cover it up with a half hearted laugh.

"No, it's not the exams I'm interested in. It's the five tries," He says. "But you didn't answer my question. Do you want to kill Nazis?"

"Is this a test?" Steve asks. He was never good with tests, where aas Sydney wasn't really got at anything.


"We don't want to kill anyone," Sydney answers for her brother. "We don't like bullies. We don't care where they're from," Sydney says. Bullies always bothered her. No matter their size, whether it be a boy picking on one of the smarter students, or an army picking on a country. Bullies are bullies, no matter how large. 

"Well, there are already so many big men fighting this war," Abraham says. "Maybe what we need now is a little guy. Or two. I can offer you a chance." They exit the small examination room. "Only a chance."

"I'll take it!" They say at the same time, and they smile at each other.

"Good," He says. "So where are the little guys from? Actually?"

"Brooklyn," They say at the same time. Abraham stamps their forms and hands each of them to the right person.

"Congratulations, soldiers," He says and he walks away. They open the folders and see an IA. They got in. Sydney would finally have her dream come true. 


A/N: New chapter! I see that people actually like it! Thank you @AmericanDream567for the kind words it means a lot! I hope you like the chapter! I have pictures but they're not good till later in the story so I'll put those in when the time comes! 

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Bye My Loves And I Will See You In The Next Chapter! 

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