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  "Next time I speak to you bitch, speak." He said looking down at me as he left the car. I tried getting up I was in so much pain. He had no sympathy or compassion with it either. So it was like he just used me. He didn't really care about me. I was just some pussy to him. A tear fell from my eye and another followed until I realized I  am in a parking lot. I cleaned myself up and I wiped my eyes.

   Im calling him and I know he won't answer but I have to.

"Hello.." Travis said I didn't answer in shock.

"Hello.." He repeated

"Travis I'm so sorry..." I said tearing up.

"What you want Lay I'm not about to fall for none of that bull shit okay. I'm not bout to feel bad because your crying. So go cry to some nigga that actually cares, bitch." He said hanging up.

I was in so much shock. That was the worst idea I have ever had 'call Travis' why in the hell would I do that he hates me. And he has a reason to.

I wiped my face again and I started the car. Home sounds real good right now. I guess him being out my life is a little better since I have to marry Chris and it would be weird if he still had feelings for me. But since I have little friends I feel slightly more lonely. And since they think its a good idea for me to move in with Chris I have to take online classes for next semester. Im not looking forward to it either. I imagine it being very boring since theres no one physically there.

I know what your thinking you just got raped and your over here talking about next semester well I don't want to talk about it. Nor think about it, its bad enough it was by Terrence.

"I'd never hurt you baby I'm not that type of man, layla."

"You better not be."


"Or I'll be forced to pull your cap back."

"Whatever" he said kissing my cheek.

I made it home and again no one was home when I needed them the most. And its funny because its suppose to be the holidays. My cousins are still in town and everything its December 23. When I unlocked the door the heat apparently wasn't on so they had been gone for a minute. Then I walked to the kitchen were I found a letter on the refrigerator.

Dear Lay

Me and the family went on the cruise for the holidays I told them you wanted to stay with Chris you and him have the house for the holidays. Well be back before the new year. Bond with him will you.


More like fuck you

After that depressing news I turned the oven on and put a pizza in for me. Yes im allergic but who doesn't love what theyre allergic to (tomatoes). It finished quickly and I took it out and got cozy on the couch with the electronic fireplace on. I didn't turn the TV on because I wasn't quite in the mood and no I won't complain you've heard too much of that. The fireplace was not doing it's job so I went to go turn on the heat when the electricity went out. Great. And to make it even better someone knocked on the door.

"Who's there?"
I hate when people don't answer that question.

"Who's there?" I said opening the door.

It was him, him as in Chris.

He walked in and wiped his feet on the rug.

"Why you sittin in the dark?"

"I wasn't the electricity just went out." I claimed

"Well I got us a hotel room anyway. Its my way of saying sorry. Plus I thought we should talk." He said

I nodded and I put my shoes back on following him out the door.

"Can I meet you there." I said trying to drive there.

"Naw girl I'm driving, come on" he said

I followed him in defeat and sat in the passengers seat. I had never been in one of his cars before but it was nice.

"Okay so I wanna just want you to know that I'm single she left me. And I again wanted to say sorry for being a dick. I was being selfish and I didn't think about what you have to give up to be married to me."

"Its fine." I said looking out the window

The rest of the ride there was silent I guess he caught the hint and turned the radio on. Well the aux cord.

We got to the hotel he checked in and some guy took my bag up to my room. So when we got there it was there.

I got comfortable and anxiously waiting to hear this conversation he had for me.

"Layla I have a daughter."



Permission : An Arranged Marriage ft Chris BrownWhere stories live. Discover now