Chapter 13

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I walked over to them, "where's Hayden and his mate" I asked them. "They left earlier" I nodded my head. We talked for what I think was an hour before Alex made her way outside. "Good evening everyone. If your wonder why your hear I'll tell you, your here to celebrate my last day here. So I want to make the best of it." She shouted before drinks started to floated in the air, I grabbed one and so did everyone else. "I want to make a toast to your alpha. Raise your glasses. I wish you and your mates an eternity" then she drunk her glass. I drunk mine and boy was it strong but I needed some type of alcohol in my system if I'm gonna get through this night so I downed the whole thing. "I wish you eternity of misery. Every time you think about something good you'll see me in the background and every time you think about something bad I'll be the cause. I bet you love what your drinking right it taste good don't it. Good because it's the blood of Hayden and his mate mixed with silver and liquor." Then she started laughing and wings sprouted from her back.

"D-De-DEMON!!!!!!!" I yelled out loud and everyone starting running in a frenzy. I immediately gather with the warriors, "we have to block her off or she'll kill us all" I tell them then they charge for her. I look around to see half my pack already dead, I search frantically for my mates and catch glimpse of them on the ground. I run to them and grab them both, "its ok I'm sorry I shouldn't have left" they shook their heads and point to something behind me. I turn to see Alex ripping people apart and throwing their limps around. All the warriors I sent heads were missing their body's."Come On Jax You Can Do Better Then That, Entertain Me So More." Alex moans out to me, and I can't help but get a bit aroused by it. I glare at Alex and turn back to my mates "what are we going to do Jax?" A scared Crystal asked me. "I have a plan but we have to do it exactly as I say or it won't work. Ok" they both nod their heads.
×××××××Alex's P.O.V××××××××
Blood... Blood is everywhere. Its been splattered everywhere and more just keeps coming to paint the world in. My hands are colored in red warm blood, I want to stop but once I go back to normal the pain comes back. I have to kill... I have to kill to live and to forget the pain that they've caused me, its about time I give them a taste of their own medicine only worse each attack will cause pain to the maximum.

My eyes flicker to a bunch of wolves surrounding me making me smile "submit to use and we will let you live" I laugh at the leaders words and simply beckon them to come closer with my index finger. Two of them lunched their self at me, I flapped my wings hard and all their heads slid of their bodies. I smiled at the motionless bodies surrounding me and began taking their limbs off their bodies to create a cute sculpture of bloodly limbs when I was rudely interrupted by someone staring and cursing at me. I look up to see Jax is staring at the dead bodies that keep piling up "Come On Jax You Can Do Better Then That, Entertain Me Some More." I moaned at him. He quickly turned his head ignoring his arousal and started talking to his hoes. I can tell they were talking about me because every few seconds the would turn and look at me then turn away and talk.

I ignored them as two wolves charged at me, I stepped to the side making them skeet to a stop and turn around and charge again. I yawned at them as they charged again but this time it was four wolves, catching me a bit off guard for a second which was more then enough time for Jax to grab me from behind. I watched as a group of wolves walked in front of me shifted into their human and I can't say I was surprised at who it was, I knew they never really cared for me. "Hey guys did you enjoy your drinks" I asked with an evil smirk causing the girls to take a step back, I watched as all the guys frowned at me. I used my super speed and strength to push Jax off me and run up to Lucas, "you know I actually think that Alex had feelings for you, but I guess it was true what she said no one will ever love us.

I grab Lucas head and pull him into a deep kid in which he will meet his death in, I suck the soul right out his body showing him every single think that has happened to me with each emotion vivid and strong. I pull away and let his body fall to the ground while his mate down in a crying sob, I walk to Brandon and kiss his cheek telling him it will be over quick with those words I stab my hand in his chest rip his rapidly beat heart out his chest and squeeze it til it pops. I know this seems pretty cruel but its not, Valentino and Michael are the pretty boys so their death will be quick. I took my wings and slit their throats, and now for my favorite one's "I'll make it quick but you will feel some pain is that ok" all Alec and Mason did was nod, I pulled a gun from my back pocket and shot Mason in the head then shot Alec. All their mates a crying wreck on the ground, I blow my breath through my fist creating smoke that engulfed the girls killing them with every breath they take.

"Damn this isn't how everything was supposed to go." I turned and watched Jax yell at me, "you were suppose to let me mark you and become one of my mates. You could've been wearing a maid outfit right now, you could have been serving me like a king after all your my 3rd and final queen. But NO you don't want that and have done nothing to make you not love me. So what WHAT DO YOU WANT!" I walked over to him and his mates with a big smirk on my face "I want you to die better no I don't want you dead I want you to feel all the pain in suffering I went through especially the night I found out you were my mate." I stood right in front of him but was pushed back by his mates. "Hmm I wonder what type of punishment would go best for you two..... I know" I my powers and engulfed the two in a bubble of water the had hot flames at the bottom and knife like icicles at the top, then gave sent a wave of my memories to Jax's mind causing him to scream in pain making his mates bang on the water bubble. "Oh I failed to mention if you try to escape the flames and ice will move closer to you for each hit you take." I laughed at their scared expressions.

I turned back to Jax "how does it feel to know some of my pain, I bet I hurts like a bitch." Jax groaned in response causing a laugh to escape my throat. "Good because we haven't even scratched the surface." I sent another wave to him causing him fall on the ground. I laughed as his mates shouted curse words at me and I got annoyed so I turned up the heat in that water bubble making them scream in pain. "You a real fucking bitch and I hope you go to hell." I sent two huge waves at Jax, "I've already been to hell and its quite beautiful it just needs more death though." I quickly go tired of hearing him talk so I sent all my memoriea at once, Jax cried out in pain then his eyes and ear started bleed before his eyes just rolled to the back of his head. I turned to his mates and pushed the flames and ice onto them killing them instantly.

It was quiet. Everyone was dead and i killed them. They wouldn't be able to haunt me anymore. Im finally free from them. I walk into the and into my room, I change into a sexy black one piece and took the keys to Jax car then hit the road.

I'm not gonna let anyone get in the way of me being free, because if someone does I'll them slow and painfully

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I'm not gonna let anyone get in the way of me being free, because if someone does I'll them slow and painfully.
I bet you guys really hate me for waiting so long to update and I bet this chapter is probably pretty shitty. Really sorry about it.

Oh I started a new book to I'll post it about lunch time aka 12:00 today with a short chapter for You Reject Me. Btw the name of the book is Darkness Always Finds Light

Bye guys love you

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