Chapter 9

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Randi's P.O.V
I woke only to see the ceiling near my head, but the I remembered I had wings. I flipped over to see the guys laying down, I flapped my wings and landed on the floor. I walked over to Alex closet, and changed my clothes with the help of Alex and Mariani. 'Now Let's Get This Plan Started'. "Not so loud guys remember I have to hear other people" I told them. I had on a strapless black one piece with black heels. I used some magic and made a silver moon necklace, I put that on and walked out the room and down stairs.

I walked into the kitchen and surprisingly it was full, some people were sitting at the table and some were talking leaning on the wall. I walk in the kitchen and over to the fridge, I pulled out eggs bacon and got grits out the cabinet. I could feel people staring at me, I turn around to be greeted with then staring directly at my wings."Their real" I told them and they looked up at me." Would you like to feel? I don't mind just be careful their sensitive to touch." Everyone looked stunned but one girl put her hand out and rubbed it with made me squirm, then a boy reached out and another girl. I turned around and began to cook as they played with my wings.

After I finished cooking I made two plates and left the rest for the guys. I told the people bye and walked to Jax room, there he laid with an empty bedside. I set the food on the coffee table and walked in his closet I picked out a white shirt and black pants with combat boots and a leather jacket. I laid his clothes on the bed and walked over to him, I began shaking him awake but it didn't work 'what should I do?' ' Try kissing his dumbass'. So that's what I did I kissed his cheek all the way down his neck then to his ear, he squirmed and shuddered with pleasure. I kissed his ear then bit it causing his eyes to open then licked over the bite. "Good morning" I whispered in his ear. He sat up and looked at me, "what are you doing here? Get Out My Room." I pouted my lip at him. "I made us breakfast, but if you don't want it I could get one of the guys from your pac-" he cut me of with a big no."Yay" I stood up jumped. In the corner of my eye I could see him staring at by breast as I jumped up and down. I ignored it and went to get the tray on the coffee table, I walked back and sat it on his lap. "I hope you like it" I said with a smile.

We sat in his room and ate our food, "so umm ermmm uhh do you have any Alpha work to do today" I pretend suttered, he looked at me and shook his head no."No I'm free this week. Why?" He looked at me suspiciously. "I was just ermm thinking that uhh we could hang out." I said looking away with a fake blush. I turned my head to look at him he was surprised but that look change into a smirk. "Sure we could hang. When do you wanna go out" I smiled at him. "I meet in the garden at-" I was cut by Valentino. "At Never O'clock" he said with a very pissed expression on his face. "Valentino"I moaned. "Why not. Its not fair he's my mate". "Because me and the guys think its best." He said. "Well I'm not listening" I said turning away."Come on Jax put your clothes on so we can go out" I told him. "I said NO" Valentino raised his voice.

Me and Valentino were so caught up arguing that I didn't hear Jax get dress. "Alex ready to go out." I looked at him and shook my head yes. "Alex I said No." I looked at Valentino getting pissed, he's gonna ruin my plan. " I told you once before that my name is Randi get it right bitch." He looked shocked at my statement. "Alex told me that while she is resting I could take over and be with our mate. Me, Alex, and Mariani are 3 different people. As you can see I have a halo and wings." I said with my fist clenched. "What!?!?? There are three of you??" He asked confused. "Really you were there for both transformations. Here I will dumb it down for you. Alex is the moon goddess original wolf and daughter. Alex has gift just like people you will meet soon. Alex is a vessel of 2 power creatures. Mariani is one of those creatures, she is Alex's wolf her powers are the elements: earth, wind, water, and fire. Her wolf changes color based on what element or type of power she feels. Randi aka me, I am the Angel of Alex. I can use normal angel powers or ancient dangerous ones that were once used years ago. So I am basically a angel-witch-shapeshifting-demonlord-god. By the way you can't tell anyone or you'll kill you." I told him through the mind link. I grabbed Jax and began to walk away, only to get pulled back by valentino "I don't give a fuck about which one you are your not going" this time I didn't say anything back, I was too pissed. My skin turn snow white, my hair grew down to my feet and the blue ring in my eyes glowed. I opened my wing and floated in air, my vision looked on val. "Emily said PT and to calm down" I looked at him, then I remembered what emily told me. "The time must be getting closer." I mutter to myself.
Jax's P.O.V
That was all it took for her to calm, she mutter something under her breath and change back to normal. She turned to me "Never mind maybe tomorrow I have to train." I said sadness flash in her eyes. She walked behind the door and stood in the corner. "I hate you val. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you." She said pouting in the corner. "Look I'm sorry but you have to. Maybe dickhead can come with us." He said to her softly. She looked at him. " say his real name then we can go." " let's go Jax and bring her."

We reached an open field by a waterfall. It was only me, Randi, Lucas, Alec, and Valentino. Randi told to sit down and watch unless I wanna join. I told I'll join for the heck of it. Randi walked in the water, well on the water and we split up in groups of two. Lucas and Valentino, while I had Alec. He told me if I didn't want to get hurt hide then run the hide and attack. I looked shocked I thought we were doing something else, why would I get hurt but I listened. And let's just say it didn't work she caught me running away and jumped in the air and shot me in the ass with fire. Everyone walked back to river bank except for randi and lucas. Valentino got a rock fist to the stomach and Alec a wind tornado that threw him in the water. We waited til lucas walked out the woods, "what happened" I asked. "She said she had to pee and be back in a few seconds". He started, I saw something behind him and backed away and shook my head. He looked at me,I said "good luck" and pointed behind him. He turned and saw Randi with her wings out, and water slowly came out the river then rocks came from the forest, she made a got damn cannon with the rocks. I would've ran but I was curious to see what she would do with it, and boy was I wrong to stay. Lucas ran but got ice shot at his ass twice, he looked pissed and began to walk back, that when she started the count down "5...4.....3.......2.........1.........let's have some fun" she made a ball of water, rocks, ice, and fire. She pushed them all in the cannon and smiled at us "run" was all she said the made air go in the detonation hole, and "BOOM!!!!". Just like that a wave of elements hit us and boy did that shit hurt.

After that hit she had made clouds that we could lay on, and those carried us to the pack doctor. We were all bandaged up, she even made dinner as an apology, steak and mash potatoes, and gave up ice cream. After dinner she walked me to my room and gave me a nice long kiss, she tasted like honey but it was quickly interrupted by Valentino calling her. "Bye Jax" she said seductively with a pout, and skipped away but I was too busy watching her boobs bounce that I didn't notice Crystal's sister come into me room, but when I did I knew I was gonna have a long heated night.
So what do you think of this chapter. I hope it's good. Can you believe that Jax is cheating on Randi now. Randi has no clue I feel bad for her. And since when did crystal's sister come in? Well all these questions will be answered in the next two chapters.




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