Chapter 3

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Alec's P.O.V
I was on my way to the Alpha's office, when one of the younger pups ran up to me"do you think she's gonna be mad" the girl whispered in a low voice then ran away. I wonder who she was talking about, but I kept walking. "Alpha you wanted to talk to me". "Yes I did come in and close the door." He said. I took a seat in the left chair in front of his desk. There was a moment of silence before he talked" We are merging packs with the 'Broken moon pack' so can you and the guys go to her room and keep her calm so I can tell her.

As me and the Alpha walked to Alex room,I mind linked the guys what happened and to get here fast. Once we reached her room, we all to a deep breath. "This is gonna hurt" Mason said. We walked in her room and oh my god it was fucked up."WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED IN HERE."Valentino yelled. Alex got up out of her bed, she had cuts all across her arms and legs bleeding. "why"she asked,"do I have to go back". She looked like she wanted to cry but I remembered she couldn't."STOP THINKING ABOUT THAT. I KNOW IM INHUMAN AND CANT CRY LIKE A NORMAL PERSON, BUT THE THING IS I CAN CRY OUT IF ONE EYE. I WENT BEHIND YOUR BACKS PRACTICING HOW TO CRY, SO SHUT THE FUCK UP. YOU FUCKING SHADOW. DONT THINK I DONT KNOW HOW YOU ALL WORRY THAT IM GONNA SNAP. YOU CAN ALL SUCK THE ALPHA'S DICK AND FIND YOU MATES, SO I CAN BE LEFT ALONE AS USUAL. BEING ALONE IS ALL IM GOOD FOR." she yelled at us. I walked up to Alex and slapped her, she blinked a bit then came back to reality. I hugged her and rubbed her hair,"its ok, we just have to the council said our packs are to small so we have to. Don't worry, Al its all gonna be ok."I told her.
Its been a week since we told Al, after the alpha explained she locked herself in her room all day and didn't eat. Now she's acting ok, but she doesn't dress the same I think she's trying to take my look, but worse.
It was Sunday when we told her, Monday she left at 7am and came back 3am, she had four tattoos.
Tuesday she left at 5pm and came back at 7pm, she had got some piercings done.
Wednesday she went shopping and got all black and gray clothes we had to get Lucas to make her wear some colored clothes.
Thursday she was in a bad mood all day, she went and got contacts.
Friday(today) she's been in a good mood lately, I've been talking to her and we've bonded on some stuff and I finally understand what she's doing.
I tell all the guys to meet me by the lake. "What was so urgent that you called out of taking the best shower." Hayden asked. "I know why she's acting this way, she wants to prove that she isn't weak anymore and that she's changed. That's what I did when I came here so I can relate to her. We all can relate." I told them and they all nodded in understanding. "But why is she so happy now." Hayden asked. "Those day's she just happened to be on her time of the month. That's why she snap at us sunday." I told him. "Come on guys we got starting bringing our bags to the car."
Alexander's P.O.V
I know I have to go early but I'm really gonna miss it here. This is my home I can't even remember my old pack that well. Huhh...
I walk to my closet and take all my clothes and put them in my bag, then I took out my shoes I only have like 5 pairs of shoes 2 pairs of combat boots,1 pair of running shoes and 2 pairs of heels. I pack my CD's and laptop.

After I pack everything I go down stairs to the car to see the guys ready." Hey guys, um here's my bags and I'm gonna ride my bike there ok." I told them." Ok just make sure you mind link one of us when you get cold." Lucas said and hugged me. I swear he's like my big bro. I ran to my bag and took out my leather jacket,"Now I won't get cold" I said laughing and ran to my bike. (Shown at the top). I put my jacket on and then my white helmet.

I let the guys drive in front of me, the ride was long as hell to me it took 7 hours to reach the pack, we reached the pack at like 3pm. They guys got there before me, so when I pulled up it made a lot of noise. "Who is that"was the first thing I heard. "That is our Alpha to be and our second in command in our group." Lucas told them. I got off my bike and all the guys instantly by my side. "What's so important a him."
"I wonder if he's hot". What the fuck the think I'm a guy. That put a smirk on my face. "My names Alexander Michaelis." I said while taking my helmet off."And im a girl" I said with my helmet in my hands. "ALEX" a voice yelled. Suddenly I see someone running towards me, so I jump over them. When I land I look at the person"do I know you" I ask. "What do mean its only been 4years, I'm pretty sure that you remember me."she said. I looked at Lucas and im pretty sure she caught what we were doing."what.. What's wrong" she asked. "I hate to tell you this but she has no memory of the past or this pack, the only thing she does remember is the last she did before she left. We think it was cause my a magic over flow within her." Lucas told her.

Everyone start asking me questions about why I can't remember or what happened to me, some even asked me what my special power was. All I did was ignore them. "um Alex I'm sorry I didn't know I just wanted you to remember me." The girl said.I felt sorry for her but there is a way for me to remember her.
"Come here its ok. I'm gonna remember you because that's one of my powers I can see everything about your life with a touch." I told her. I walked over to her leaving the guys side. I turned to everyone " Mason tell them the rules about us first before I begin." "Ok"he said then turned to everyone." Rule#1- No One WithOut Special Permission Is Not Allowed In Our Room.
Rule#2- DO NOT TOUCH ALEXANDER. she is very sensitive about touch."
Rule#3- During practice listen to Alex and don't be late.
Rule #4- Call Alex by her full name.
Rule#5- Be careful not to mention the M-word around her." After he said that I threw a fireball at his ass. "OWW"He looked at his butt and said "Fuck You Alex". "You wish" was all I said before turning around and hugged her. It was like a fucking waterfall fell on my head. "Lu-Alec" I whispered out. And Alec was instantly by my side, he had to pull me away from her cause she passed out. Someone picked her up and started carrying her away. " you remember... me?" she asked going in and out of consciousness, "yes I do bri" I said, she smiled and passed out.

I walked over to the guys with the help of Alec. "If you have any questions we'll answer them in the morning tomorrow at practice. Be up by 6 or I'll personally come and get you." We all walked to our room and went to sleep.

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