Tehfawkes - Camp Half-Blood

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I remember running from something. I'm not sure what it is, but it looks almost like a dog. But it's way to big to be a dog, well unless a dog and a bear had babies. As I was running I tripped over who knows what, with me it could be anything.
And now here I am, covered in mud and leaves. I pull a screw I had in my pocket out and try to stab the thing, but all I manage to acomplish is making it angry.
As the dog-bear thing approaches me I see a flash of bronze before the dog-bear thing turns into a golden dust.
I stand up and slowly walk towards the pile of golden dust. I kneel down and pick up something off the ground. "Is this a dagger," I whisper softly to myself before picking up a bit of the dust.
I'm startled by a heavenly sounding voice from behind me, "Its called monster dust." I whip around to see a boy who looks to be maybe 2 years older than me. He is quite tall and has shortish dirty blonde hair and dark blue(?) eyes. He is wearing glasses, black shorts, and an orange t-shirt that says "Camp Half-Blood."
"Like what you see," he says cockily, causing me to look down. I probably look like a tomato right now.


I laugh softly as the boy looks down with a red face. "He's kinda cute," I think to myself before my eyes widen as I realise what I just thought.
"You could probably give a tomato a run for its money," I say deciding to tease him a bit. "Sh-shut up," he stutters, trying, and failing, to keep his voice steady. "No need to be scared, I won't hurt you," I say trying to calm him down.
"What's your name," he asks almost too quietly for me to hear. "Tom, Tom Fawkes," I answer making sure not to include my parent. That would be weird, since he probably doesn't know about the gods yet. I gently take my dagger out of his hands, "What's yours?" "John Smarticus, but call me Smarty."
"Have you heard of the Greek gods," I ask after a moment deciding to be blunt. He gives me a confused look, "Yes, but what does that have to do with anything?" I chuckle, "Everything."

Time skip (Because that would of been awkward as hell)

"Who's your parent then," Smarty asks, curiosity showing in his eyes. "Athena," I say while signaling for him to follow me.


As soon as he says that I feel slightly crushed. Athena is the goddess of wisdom. He's smart, while I'm just a stupid kid. Well, at least that's what my stepfather says. He was right though, the only things I've been good at are building, electronics, and burning stuff.
"What are you thinking about," Tom says suddenly making me jump. "Shit, sorry for startling you, but you were crying." As he says that I realise that I am in fact crying. "I-Its nothing," I say cursing myself for crying in front of him. "Bullshit," he says before pulling me into a hug. "Now tell me why you're crying," he murmurs into my ear making me shiver. At the thought of telling him about my stepfather I breakdown and just cry.


When Smarty starts crying I don't know what to do, so I just hold him. "I'm sorry for asking," I say softly to him, hoping to calm him down. It doesn't, so I just continue to hug him and rub his back. Rubbing his back seems to do the trick. He slowly stops crying, "Sorry for soaking your shirt," he whispers shakily. I feel myself smile softly,"Its fine, I didn't even notice."
He pauses for a moment, "My stepfather." My face must of showed my confusion because soon after he continues. "Thats who I was thinking about." Realisation enters his eyes and he quickly steps away from me with a blush on his face, "I'm sorry," he says quickly. I tilt my head a little giving him a confused look before realising that I had still been holding him. I feel a blush creep onto my face as well, "It's fine, and I won't ask about your stepfather either." After wiping the remaining tears off his face. He looks up meeting my eyes and smiles, "Thank you."
At that moment an bright orange light appears above him. He quickly looks up looking very confused at the sight of a hammer and anvil, "What?" I smile, "Hephaestus claimed you as his child."

Time skip (1 month)

I stare out at the lake as I wait for Smarty to get here. He's late, as always but thats only one of the things I love about him. He's cute, funny, and...Well he's everything to me. And tonight I'm going to ask him to be my boyfriend.
After a few minutes of sitting there hear someone walk up and sit next to me. "Sorry I'm late, Leo was briefing us for tonight's prank." I chuckle, "You would've managed to be late either way," I say teasingly. He smiles, "Your probably right." "So, which cabin are you pranking tonight," I ask making his smile widen. "Aphrodite," he responds making me laugh. "I'll make sure to get up early to hear their screams."
I pause deciding it's time to ask him. "John," I say softly, making him give me a questioning look, since no one besides Chiron calls him that. I sigh, "I hope this works." "John ever since the day we first met. I've loved so many things about you," I gulp, "This is it." "A-And I was wondering if you would ever consider being more than friends?" A blush creeps onto his face, "Are you asking me to be your boyfriend?" I open my mouth to say yes but end up nodding instead. "Tom...Of course I will." I smile in relief before leaning in and kissing him softly. "I love you," I say softly. "I love you to." I look up at the sky seeing that it's almost curfew, "We need to return to our cabins now," I say sadly. Make sure you wake up early, he says before a grin appears on his face, "Don't fawke up and miss the screams," he says before turning around to walk towards his cabin. "That little shit."

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