Tehfawkes - Flower Child

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A/N Sorry for not updating. 1st quarter just ended and the teachers decided that the end of the quarter was the perfect time to assign a shit ton of projects and homework...Yeah that was fun. Senior year is a terrible thing...

High School AU


"Here's your schedule." The secretary says sweetly, I think she said her name was Mrs. Mueller. She seems nice enough. "Thank you," I say as I take my schedule from her. She smiles at me, "You'd best get going. She looks at her computer screen quickly. "Your first class is Culinary Arts 1 with Mrs. Meyer in E102. The E-Wing, which branches off the D-Wing, is on the other side of the cafeteria. E102 is the 3rd door on the right." "Alright. Thank you." I say giving her a warm smile.

"Alright, so my locker number is 1065," I say to myself while walking down the hall. "1060, 1061, 1062, 1063, door...another door, 1064, 1065." The first thing I notice about the locker is that it's purple. The next is the dial, instead of having the dash on top it's on the right, so you have to tilt your head. "Alright...19-2-9." I whisper to myself while doing my combination.

As I finish putting my stuff in my locker. I hear a loud clang, and look to the source.
It's a smaller kid. He has pale skin, black hair, and beautiful brown eyes. On top of his head there's a blue, white, and purple flower crown. He's wearing blue jeans and a light purple hoodie.
He's being pinned against some lockers on the other side of the hall. By a kid that's probably about half a foot taller than him. Probably a senior.


Damn it. I should of taken Chilled up on his offer to walk me to my locker. "Alex. Please just leave me alone." I hear myself beg the taller boy. Even though I know it won't change anything. He's not going to leave me alone. He never does. "Hmm...No, I don't think I will." He says while raising his hand.
I squeeze my eyes shut, waiting for the hit to come, but it never does. "What do you think you're doing?" I hear a new voice say, sounding quite mad. I slowly open my eyes to see that another boy caught Alex's hand. (Can someone explain the diffrence between s, 's, and s', please?)


As the boy raises his hand to hit the smaller I quickly dart forward and grab his wrist. "What do you think you're doing?" I ask, feeling pissed off. I hate bullies. They pick on people they know won't fight back. It's sickening.
"Why do you care?" The one the shorter called Alex asks, sounding confused. Probably never had someone stand up to him. I feel myself growl throwing the boy to the ground. "You wouldn't understand. Your kind never does." I say, sending him the fiercest glare I can. "So I won't bother trying to explain."

Once Alex leaves I turn to the other boy and kneel down. Since he fell to the floor after I threw Alex. "You alright?" I ask softly while extending a hand to the boy.
His face turns bright red as he nods and takes my hand, letting me pull him up. "What's your name?" I ask him. He avoids my eyes as he responds, "It's John, though my friends call me Smarty. So you can call me that." That name fits him so well, I think to myself while smiling at him. "My name's Tom, and it's nice to meet you."
"It's nice to meet you as well...But why did you help me?" He asks nervously. I hesitate before replying with a smile, "Ever heard of love at first sight?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2016 ⏰

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