Seamexican - The Cop And The Killer

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I write these during school, so this one was super awkward to write.


I've been on this case for about a year now. This Nanners seems to be very good at covering his ass. The only things that we know about him is that he's male, and about 6' 5". His laugh also sounds like a dolphin, but that doesn't help at all.
"Anyone else think this guy is part dolphin," Chilled says, making Ze and I start laughing our asses of. "Detectives," Captain Sark scolds, trying to stay serious, but failing as he lets a chuckle slip.
Once we all settle down, Sark starts a speak, "Now, last night there was another murder. Unfortunately I could only get a hold of 3 of you, one of which was Ze, who kindly informed me that he was babysitting two of my detectives. Who just so happened to be passed out on his couch," a smirk replaces his frown. "By the way, Chilled, Gassy, how's the hangover." Chilled groans softly as I reply, "We don't want to talk about it."
"Anyway," Sark continues, "Diction ended up being the only one to meet me at the scene. As Ohm was too busy making out with his boyfriend." Everyone looks at Ohm who seems to be trying to dissappear. "I never said that!" "You never denied it either," Sark teases before continuing. "The latest victim was a 27 year old named Robert Hill. The usual SN was carved into the victim's forehead inside of a diamond."


Lately I've taken a liking to one of the detectives that are on my case. These guys don't know just how much I know about them.
I know that their leader is a man who goes by Sark. Him and another detective called Diction seem quite close, possibly more than just friends? There's Chilled and Ze, who are definitely together. There's Ohm as well. It's kinda sad how they haven't figured out that he's also a killer, though I guess that he has hidden his tracks well. Finally there's Gassy, the one who I'm about to pay a visit to.


I stare down at the files that I have scattered across my kitchen table and sigh. "What's the point Sark, Nanners obviously kills randomly. There's nothing that links these victims together."
Thats when I hear a small creaking noise behind me. I quickly stand up and turn around. But as soon as I do, I regret it. As I'm immediately pushed back against my table by a black and grey clothed figure.
"Hello detective, I heard my name," Nanners teases with a smirk on his lips, which are the only part of his face that aren't covered. I watch his hand as it goes down to one of his pockets. I gulp and look up, "What are you doing here?" He laughs, "Just getting a new friend." The moment he says that I feel a pain in my neck. I twist my head to try to find the source of it, and see him carelessly toss a syringe onto the floor. "Fuck," I whisper, feeling my eyelids start to droop before I go limp in his arms. The last thing I hear before passing out is, "Goodnight, love."

When I wake up the first thing I feel is the terrible headache I have. I groan softly and open my eyes, only to be greeted by darkness. I attempt to bring my hands up to my eyes only to realise that they are restrained. I hear a distressed noise come from my lips as I remember what happened.


Max has been asleep for 6 hours now. I probably shouldn't have used so much sedative, but I couldn't risk him waking up before I got him here.
My eyes dart back to Max as I hear him groan. He tries to bring his hands up to his face, only to find that they are restrained. Causing him to let out a whimper. He obviously wants the blindfold off.
I sigh, "I have my mask on, so what harm could it do." I walk over to the guy and untie the blindfold, tossing it onto the ground next to the chair I have him in.
"Have a nice nap," I ask teasingly. He glares at me without sating anything. "Come on, don't be like that Maxie." "Please don't call me that," he whispers. This makes me chuckle, "But I like it. It's cute."


"Just don't!" I yell, suprising Nanners. "Why don't you like it," he asks curiously. I sigh feeling a tear roll down my cheek. I see something flash in Nanners eyes..."Is that sadness," I wonder.
He reaches around me and I feel him messing with the handcuffs. I hear a click as the cuffs fall off of my wrists. I bring my hands in front of me to stare at them, and satisfy an itch that I have behind my ear. After scratching my ear I look at Nanners, "W-Why did you release me." He ignores the question and asks his own, "Why were you crying?" I sigh, "The name brings back memories, so please don't call me it."
An understanding look enters his eyes and he takes my arm, pulling me up. He leads me to another room. It has red walls, a black carpet, and a bed with blue pillows and grey blankets. It's also decorated with dolphins. (How did Chilled know Adam was part dolphin?!) "Go to sleep," he says softly, "I can tell you're still tired." As he says that I realise that I am still quite tired and decide to just listen to him. I crawl into the bed and close my eyes. As I drift off to sleep I hear him finally answer my question, "Because I love you."

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