Tehgalmfawkes - The Blind One

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High School AU


"Would you hurry up, we're gonna be late!" I yell to Tom, my boyfriend, who is currently looking like an idiot as he tries to find where he put his glasses.
We've been living with his Aunts for about a month now. His father saw us kissing. My parents were informed very quickly, and we were both kicked out.
In that moment I realise that his glasses are actually resting on top of his head I realise that we are both idiots. I sigh, "They're on your head you fawking idiot.
He throws his arms up, "First Jagow, now you; Who else is going to use my name as a pun? Mr. Stone?" "Doubt it, but come on we will be late now."


I'm blind I have been since I was born. I have nice parents. But they're hardcore Catholics, so I doubt they would feel the same way about me if they found out I was gay... I feel the car stop, "We're here pumpkin. I'm sorry but I have to get to work so you'll have to find your own way to the office," my mother says as I open the door. I pick my bag up off my lap and step out of the car, unfortunately tripping on the curb. I groan as I pick myself up from the ground. slowly walk towards the entrance to the school. As we're almost there I hear the bell go off signifying that classes have begun. "Damn it," I murmur as I try to find the door. I hear 2 sets of footsteps coming from behind me and stop feeling the glass hoping that they would help me.

Tom (The fawking idiot):

As Galm and I are running towards the school we hear the bell ring and a frustrated groan.
As we round the corner of the building I start panting. We just ran a mile in under ten minutes.
"Are you alright?" I hear Galm ask sounding genuinely concerned. I look at him, seeing that he's not looking at me. I follow his gaze and see another boy. He's maybe about 5 1/2 feet tall with pale skin, foggy brown eyes, and black hair. He's wearing a a yellow hoddie that has some sort of black circley thing (His tattoo) and a green squidy thing. He's also wearing black cargo pants and shoes.
The first thing that comes to mind is that he's kinda cute, but as soon as that crosses my mind I scold myself for it. Little did I know Galm was thinking the same thing.


"Are you alright?" I hear someone ask. Even though I can't see them, I still turn in their direction. I hesitate before responding to the question, "No...Could you help me find the office?" "Of course we can," another voice replies as the two walk forward. "We're late anyway, so we have to go there as well," I hear the first voice say.
As they walk passed me I quickly follow. Hoping that I don't trip over something and look like an idiot. When we enter the building, we almost immediately take a right. After about 20 seconds we stop and I hear one of them open a door. I follow them into the room, and stand there as a woman starts to yell at them. "Mr. Fawkes, Mr. Galm, this is the third time this month that you have been late!"


As Ms. Zelper yells at us I look at the boy from before. As I notice how uncomfortable he seems I sigh and take his arm to pull him forward so he's visible to the secretary. She immediately stops yelling at Tom and I. "Sorry you had to hear that dear. You must be John Smarticus." She briefly looks at her screen before glancing at Tom and I. "Both of you have the same schedule as Mr. Smarticus here so you can show him around. Now scram," she says as she hands John a piece of paper that's covered in bumps.
I watch as Tom quickly glares at Ms. Zelper (Does he think he's intimidating someone?) before pulling the two of us out of the room. As soon as the door closes Tom decides to speak, "What a bitch." I smile, "I can see why she's engaged to Mr. Stone."


I watch as the new kid runs his fingers over the bumpy paper in his hands. "Hey, your name was John right?" I say, trying to start a conversation as we walk to our first hour. I obviously startled him though, because he ended up tripping as I spoke. Luckly Galm catches him. "Sorry," I say quickly. He sighs, "It's fine, and yes my name is John, but I prefer Smarty." "Alright. My name is Anthony, but call me Galm." "I don't have a nickname, so just call me Tom." I sigh after a moment as we almost reach our 1st hour, Algebra 2.
Now, Algebra itself is bad, but combine it with the most hated teacher in the whole school, and you have a class that's just designed to torture kids.
As we walk into the room Mr. Stone immediately stops talking and glares at us. Just let me tell you, if glares could kill, Galm and I would be 6 feet under.


I can just feel the tension, I don't know exactly what's going on. "Late again?" I hear a new and older voice say. He sounds snobby as hell as well. "Could Mr. Fawkes not find his glasses?" He says, obviously trying to embarrass them.
I guess he noticed me as well because he stops talking and I can basically feel the glare that he's giving me. "You must be Mr. Smarticus. Your seat is next to Mr. Pastatute," he pauses for a moment and I just stand there awkwardly. "Are you going to go to your seat or..." He pauses, "Wait. That's right you can't see, Mr. Pastatute, come get him," he says making sure that everyone and their dog knows I'm blind...Hopefully Tom and Galm won't hate me. Hopefully they won't be like Ashley and Kevin, and abandon me.


So Smarty's blind. I guess that does explain a lot of things. But that doesn't excuse what Mr. Stone is doing. Poor guy.
Luckly for him he's sitting next to Chilled, Tom, and I. He'll get along with the others, I know that. He'll just be...The blind one.

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