Sherlock's Daughter

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"They're gonna clean up your looks
With all the lies in the books
To make a citizen out of you
Because they sleep with a gun
And keep an eye on you, son
So they can watch all the things you do

Because the drugs never work"
I scream at the top of my lungs in my small room in 221B.

"Be quiet please, Sophie. Sherlock needs to go to his mind Palace..." My dad sarcastically commands. My dad is Sherlock and John. They had me using a surrogate mother and mixing their DNA. I call John father/dad and Sherlock, Sherlock. In the end, I have Sherlock's blue/grey eyes, long black curls and John's skin tone.

"Dad, come on! It's freaking Friday night and you two forbid me to go out, and I can't even listen to effing music?" I whine stomping down stairs in black skinny jeans, a Atlas Genius black shirt and my dark blue chuck Taylor's.

"Yes, sweetie, You know how Sherlock has felt about you going out with Rosie and Emma." John stares daggers at me, trying to tell me to shut up. Emma and Rosie are my best friends. Sherlock and Dad don't enjoy them because we all dress in dark clothes and listen to My Chemical Romance, both my parents think I'm goth but whatever.

"Whatever." I sneak my pack of cigarettes into my red hoodie pocket and slip out the door before Sherlock can deduce what I'm going to do.

I dial Rosie, when she picks up I greet her, "Hey Rosie!"

"You ready to go loser?" Rosie laughs through the telephone.

"Yeah! Meet you in 10 at Winchester Blvd. ?" I reply grabbing a cigarette out of the pack and slip it in my mouth and begin walking, looking back every few seconds to confirm that I'm not being followed. One thing that Sherlock has shown me is his deductive skills, the first 3 Years after I could talk we're spent teaching me how to deduct. So now, I am almost as good as Sherlock.

"Sure thing!" Rosie hangs up and I flick the trigger on the lighter and my cigarettes flares with orange for a millisecond then effaces away as if it were never there. After my first inhale, I feel the nicotine travel through my brain, relieving the stress of school, being my 9th grade year, It's all stressful. A few minutes later I arrive at Winchester Blvd. My cigarette almost done. I drop it before the cop across the street can see me. I sneak up behind a girl with blonde hair, gray skinny jeans on and a white v neck on and pinch her sides.

"Ahh!" Rosie turns around and almost hits me, but because I know it's her, I block it immediately.

"Haha, got you loser!" I laugh as he make our way to an abandoned house where a wicked party is happening.

"Bitch!" Rosie punches me in the arm. The pain stings for a moment before I rub it.

"JERK!" I laugh punching her in the boob as she doubles over her stomach in pain and laughter.

"God, you suck! So, you got the Cigarettes?" Rosie whispers in my ear. I lift them out if my pocket quickly just to show her then I drop them back I. Their place.

"Why would I not?" We arrive at the abandoned house and I light up a cigarette. I enter the ramshackle house and see my friend Jared and Jensen. Jared is tall, keeps his brunette hair long, and his blue eyes sparkle with happiness. Jensen, oh gosh Jensen. He is beautiful, short cropped brown hair, piercing green eyes that could kill a man, and Olive skin.

"What's up?" I run up and hug both of them.

"Booze and Vodka!" Jensen swipes 4 bottles from the cabinet we always store the drinks in. One bottle for each of us. I pop open the bottle of Grey Goose and take a swig. The sting erodes my thought but is warm once it hits my stomach.

"So how have your dads been?" Jensen asks with a smile forming. He loves me like a sister, but he is still a little immature so the thought of 2 dads is a little strange for him.

"They have been great except since Sherlock is such a popular guy now, all he ever does is go to his mind palace. It's quite obnoxious." I laugh as I gulp down the vodka, slowly the Vodka's rough travel to my stomach becomes smooth and silky.

"So? Um, Sophie, do your parents know your here?" Rosie's eyebrows raise up remembering that she forgot to ask. Rosie puffs some smoke out as I reply

"Nope, Dad is too busy blogging, Sherlock is in his mind palace." I say with a monotone hint in my voice.

"Aw, so fucked." Jared laughs taking hus booze bottle by the neck and gulps half of it down, squeezing his face together because of the bitterness to it until the warmth runs in his stomach.

"You wanna do something stronger than both of those?" Jared asks Rosie, Jensen and I.

"Hell yeah!" we all say in sync. Jared pulls out a bag of green clumps, weed, and white grainy powder, Cocaine. I gather some of the Coke and shove it all in a line on a small tray. I snort 2 lines up my nose and lay back on the ground, the world slowly drifting away and all of my deducting and reasoning skills gone. Jensen begins to smoke the weed. Rosie has already snorted 3 lines and lays beside me. Jared has been smoking weed for a while now so of course he chooses weed.

"This is amazing. " I let out, unaware of my surroundings.

"Yeah, it helps me forget about my horrible life with my mother. " Rosie smiles even though her life with her mom is terrible. Her mom is the woman who defeated Sherlock. Irene Adler, Rosie has seen so many things in her life scandals, secrets, killings. No wonder she loves drugs. For me, drugs help make my life more interesting, the normal world is so easy to deduct that the trippy world of drugs makes it another challenge and so I can escape the fact that I might as well be invisible to my parents. Jensen, Jensen does it because his Mom and Dad are never home, 1 year ago they said they were going on a weekend trip, they drop in occasionally to give Jensen money but that's it. Jared is just Jared and does it to do it. Yeah, we're a pretty fucked up group of people.

"I better go home." I say frowning. I finish off my Vodka and snort one more line and just as I finish snorting the line I walk out the door, after I get out the crisp wind licks my flesh and I light a cigarette to warm me up. The ground is crooked and I have to weave around it to balance. As I walk through the streets of night London I get strange looks, considering I'm high, drunk, and Smoking. But I Make it to 221B. Outside I see multiple police cars and Sherlock and John outside looking scared as can be. I figured that it was just another case.

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