My parents are clotpoles

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A/N: I would listen to Miss Jackson, The Ballad of Mona Lisa and Casual Affair all by Panic! At The Disco for this chapter.

"Here you go!" Lestrade stops right outside of 221B and I swing the car door open and step out. Before slamming the door I lean down,

"Sorry about the shiner." I laugh as Lestrade smirks at me as I close the car door and he drives off. I grab the keys out of my leather jacket pocket and turn the key until I hear the 'click' of the lock. When I push open the door Sherlock is waiting at the top of the stairs.

"So what did you find?" Sherlock jumps down the stairs eager to hear and be able to criticise my observations.

"A dead body." I smirk as Sherlock told his eyes in annoyance.

"Come on! Tell me!" Sherlock begs like a 4 year old as I trek up the stairs into the living area where John is reading the news paper.

"Hey, Soph, before you tell us anything, we need to clean your stitches!" John hops up and goes to find a bottle of rubbing alcohol and other cleaning supplies. I give a loud sigh.

"Okay," I say plopping down on the couch where I find Sherlock's violin now, "you think you may need this." I laugh as Sherlock retrieves his bow.

"Tell me what happened Sophia Irene Watson-Holmes." Sherlock demands in such of voice that I really don't want to fuck around with so I spill.

"Okay, so a man, found dead in his flat, was murdered by someone he knew, because he let them out, but the wife and children are out of town, but really the wife just left the man for some unknown reason. Perhaps it was a lady friend that murdered him," I begin to form a theory, "but that doesn't make since because he was kicked several times, and usually, at least in the cases that I've seen, women usually murder someone with a stabbing device. And also if it was a date the woman would have on heels, so being kicked wouldn't do-unless..." I come to a quick conclusion, but I don't say it out loud. I just call Lestrade.

"New Scotland Yard, this is detective inspector Greg Lestrade." Lestrade leisurely informs me.

"Hi, Lestrade contact the wife of the apartment murder immediately. Thank you." I hang up just as I hear Lestrade inhale about to ask who this is, but he will soon deduct-I hope. Before Sherlock can demand I tell him more, John comes in with a tub of cleaning supplies.

"Here we go, Soph, come here, I'm gonna clean up your stitches." John requests as I waltz over to the kitchen and sit down in the wooden chair next to Sherlock's microscope. John begins unwrapping my gauze and yellow, green, gooey pus as soaked through the first 2 layers of gauze, "Damn! it's infected!" Dad bursts out, I jolt out surprised by the outburst. Dad(John) quickly finishes unwrapping the gauze.

"This is going to hurt the fuck isn't it?" I interrogate John.

"One, don't use that language, and two, yes." John chuckles as he uncaps the bottle of alcohol. When the cleaning substance makes contact with my infected wound I tense up as almost jump out my chair, the pain shoots up my arm.

"Aww, MOTHERFUUUUC-" I'm cut off by Sherlock as he walks over and speaks to John.

"Here, let me do it." Sherlock interrupts my cursing streak.

"Sherlock, actually, I'm the doctor s-" Dad makes eye contact with Sherlock and they stare daggers at each other for a few moments but then John silently gets up and walks away. Sherlock dabs off the alcohol with a rag, on the rag a clear substance, a murky green/yellow substance appear and a Gel like substance that is clearly pus all appear on the rag. Sherlock pops open hydrogen peroxide and begins pouring it over my arm. At first the stinging hurts, but when the fuzz starts to appear over my stitches, it is almost a relieving sore feeling. When Sherlock dabs off the cut, a murky green/yellow substance fills the rag. A few more times of this and Sherlock is done. I strut up to my room and plug up my phone and started playing Sleepingwith Sirens' "If You Can't Hang."

"Baby, if you can't hang then there's the door, if you can't hang then there's the door." I sing along to the track when I hear my window opening I jolt and spin around to see a figure crawling into my room. I grab my gun from under my bed and point it at the figure. When Th mysterious person looks up with the piercing green eyes, their eyes widen

"Shit! Soph, it's me!" Jensen exclaims before I shoot him. Once realising it I put the fun down and hug him.

"Oh gosh, you should hear what John and Sherlock made me do." I complain as I turn up Sleeping With Sirens so my parents don't think I'm talking to myself.

"What?" Jensen sits at the end of my bed as I flop onto the back of the bead against my headboard.

"I had to give up every drug. Including the metal drug." I frown, as Jensen moves his way up beside me.

"Sorry..." Jensen awkwardly announced as he grabs my hand and interlocks his fingers with mine. Just as "Casual Affair" by Panic! At The Disco comes on Jensen gently kisses me, tugging on my bottom lip with his teeth, electricity zooming through me. I move on top of Jensen and his hands embrace me around my waist. I run my fingers through his short cropped hair as he does the same to mine.

"GOD DAMNIT, SOPHIE IF WE HEA-" Sherlock and John burst through my door. I move off of Jensen, he sits up awkwardly and stares around the room.

"Umm, hi guys, heard of knocking?" I sass of. As Sherlock raises his eyebrows towards me, heat crawling up my cheeks.

"I'm gonna go." Jensen says. I pull him in by his leather jacket for a peck on the lips. When Jensen weaves his way through John and Sherlock and I hear a door close Sherlock and John are still staring daggers at me.

"Hehe, funny story actually!" I explain casually laughing just as SASSY by Kat Graham comes on.

"Down stairs now please." Sherlock demands stomping down the stairs into the living area of 221B. I trudge down the steps, when I reach the bottom both Sherlock and John are standing there with there arms crossed, furious.


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