Daddy/Daughter bonding

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"Sophia Holmes. I can't. Just what made you think it was okay to have a boy in your room?" John asks me in a chilling tone.

"I don't know..." I say, feeling a tad bad for being such a pain in the ass like all the time.

"Well, I hope you find one because you won't be able to leave the flat for a week. We have full surveillance, thanks to Mycroft for that," Sherlock rolls his eyes at the thought of Mycroft helping, "and worst of all, you can't work on that case of the deadman." Sherlock informs me.

"Come on, that's bullshit!" I say in a exasperated tone, I give my puppy eyes to Sherlock, usually it works on him when it comes to cases, but his mien still looks stone cold.

"No Sophia, you heard Sherlock. And you can't see that Jensen boy anymore!" John screams , I cower onto the couch, Sherlock puts his arm put in front of John defensively.

"Calm down." Sherlock whispers into John's ear. John begins to take deep breaths and walks out of the room.

"Come on Sherlock, you know you can't keep me from a case. It's almost unethical." I exaggerate, Sherlock scoffs.

"You, my dear, need to learn the definition of unethical. Speaking of learning, school starts in two days. You ready?" Sherlock asks. Shit, I forgot about school. Full of anger all of the sudden, I retort;

"Why are you trying to be so fatherly all of the sudden? One minute you act like a father, the next you don't give a shit." Sherlock rolls his eyes at my vocabulary, clearly he has given up on trying to hamper me from such language.

"Because it's a boy." Sherlock says picking up his violin.

"What the fuck does that have to do-OF COURSE!" I scream as I realise that the murderer of the dead man has a lover, possibly a mistress?

"What?" Sherlock sighs resting the violin under his neck.

"The murderer, it is a lover, present lover, not the wife, she shows to many signs of grief according to the report a Lestrade have me in some files. It's a mistress!" I deduct. Sherlock's face his full of joy. He sits down the violin and looks up at me.

"We have some sneaking around to do then, don't we?" Sherlock grabs his trench coat and blue scarf, I grab my leather jacket and beanie and we sneak out of 221B.

"We need to get to New Scotland Yard to get the wife's information." I roll my eyes at Sherlock as he starts to go the opposite way of "the yard" as I call it.

"Yes, I knew that. This way!" Sherlock sprints off. I call a cab and Sherlock stops in his steps and spins around.

"What are you doing?" Sherlock questions me.

"I'm calling a cab, why would we run when we just need to go to the yard?" I reply. Sherlock sulks over like a 3 year old and hops into the cab along side me.


When we walk into Lestrade's floor, we see a salt and pepper haired man leaving, considering I am a quicker runner than Sherlock I volunteer to sprint. When I catch him, I see a melancholy mien on his face.

"Yes, I know Jared is causing trouble at home, but we need everything on the deadman I deducted. I mean everything." I demand as Lestrade's eyebrows go up. I glance back at Sherlock and see a proud smirk on his face.

"She's beautiful John," I say as the pink bundle in my arms discovers 221B for the first time. The little girl has my piercing turquoise eyes that look like the ocean after a storm. Her cheekbones already show, I can see that they are going to be a prominent feature in her facial stucture, which resembles mine. Her skin tone is more like John's than mine, but her hair, her hair is beautiful, black curly hair has already sprouted out of her head. I feel a hand fall on my shoulder

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