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I'm trying to update everything because I can't for the next week so yeah

"So, do I have to be not 'Sherlock-Like' on the stand?" I ask both of my parents as we arrive at the court house for the murder's trial.

"Yes, basically just don't be an ass." John snorts as he finishes doing his tie, Sherlock assists in making it tighter. After the series of getting the tie on, Sherlock kisses John's forehead.

"Okay and how long will I be on the stand?" I inquire, getting more anxious as we walk up the steps.

"For as long as they want, Sophie, you will be fine, I promise." Sherlock hugs me tight, I hear the beating of his heart. Sometimes it's nice to have the reassurance that he has one, a heart, at least. Lately, Sherlock has been super nice, I mean he did almost sacrifice me for a case but as a reward for that I got a whole new outfit for this trial thing. It's a black, retro dress with a collar and high neck that comes to mid-thigh, and my Black Dr. Martens

"But what if I get nervous, what if they ask about the cuts, you know I remember little really about what is going on. How come you aren't testifying Sherlock?" I begin to speak quickly, I don't want to say something wrong and be punished for perjury or something. Damnit emotions get under control! I scream at myself, making a mental wall the block my emotions. One thing Sherlock and I have bonded over these past 2 weeks are "Mind Palaces" I used to make fun of him, but now, over these past 2 weeks I have been organising everything into my mind palace, I practically almost done. I have to delete a few things but after that I will be perfect. Sherlock told me that my mind palace will be the key while I'm on my stand. I need to recall everything in my mind palace about that night.

"Sophie, here is your guest badge." John hands me my guest badge for the trial at the front desk, jolting me out of my zone.

"Thanks." I pin it onto my dress.

"You ready?" John pats my shoulder awkwardly and I shove it off.

"Dad, just stop with the fluff, it's incredibly annoying and incredibly fake. " I sigh and walk into the so far empty courtroom. A short lawyer about 30 years old, lacking a shower, having an affair with a woman with 2 children and single. I glance at Sherlock who nods his head not to say anything, then I glance a John who's face just looks like "Oh my gosh please don't make any deductions".

"Thank you so much for deciding to testify, it is a blessing." The man shakes Sherlock and I's hand, "My name if Bradford or Brad."

"So how are your children?" I ask while waltzing around the courtroom.

"Oh God." John puts his face in his hands.

"I don't have any." Bradford raisies his eyebrows in confusion.

"Sorry, my mistake, your mistress' children. Judging by the scribbled on papers and toys peeking out of you brief case it hints you have children. But, when I asked you if you didn't have children it only confirmed my hunch, you have no children but you mistress does. How do I know you are having an affair? Well let's see shall we?," I smile widely getting high off of the deductions, "You have a life changing case today and you don't wash your hair? No Your pants are wrinkled in places they should not be if they were ironed and hung up for today, but they were packed telling by the creases in the pants. Therefore you went to a cheap motel with the mistress and refused to take shower is the disgusting motel showers because you have become accustomed to a certain lifestyle." I say in what feels like a matter of seconds. When I come out of the zone I hear slow clapping from Sherlock and a groan from John.

"Let's just get this trial over with." Just as Bradford complains the courtroom begins to fill in with people and Sherlock, John, and I take our seats awaiting my call to the stand.


"We would like to call Miss Sophia Holmes to the stand." The lawyer for the defendant calls. I shoot up, trying to ignore the nerves in my stomach. My Dr. Martens squeak as I march my way to the witness stand, making everything awkward. After I give the oath the questions are shot rapidly at me.

"Is is true, Miss Holmes, that you Had a drug problem that you currently struggle with?" The lawyer, who introduced himself as Scott Henderson, asks as he leans on the Defendant's table.

"Yes." I answer with a monotone voice. I know exactly what he is doing; trying to make me seem like an unreliable witness or VICTIM but whatever. I could tell everyone right now his darkest secrets but I won't because John told me to be a little civil.

"So, do you currently use drugs?" Henderson shoots at me before Bradford steps in,

"Objection, this is getting off subject." Bradford raises his voice.

"Henderson, stay on topic." The judge demands.

"Yes your honor. Miss Holmes, when you were being held captive what did Mr. Smith say exactly." Henderson sighs staring directly at me. I never actually got to know the murderers name, I guess it is "Mr. Smith".

"He just said that him and Toby, the victim, were having and affair and Mr. Smith kept on begging Toby to tell his wife but he wouldn't." I inform the jury.

"Ah, so he never admitted to killing Mr. Toby?" Henderson twists my words against me.

"No!" I retort, gripping the arms of the chair so tightly my knuckles are white, "Sherlock deduced how the murder happened and he sort of confessed." I growl trying not to punch this guy in the face just because he is annoying and twisting my words. I glance at John who is shaking his head 'no' to my previous thought.

"What do you mean 'sort of'?" Henderson walks of to the witness stand, getting a foot away from my face.

Keeping my composure I reply, "As soon as Sherlock deduced and came to a conclusion Mr. Smith was very eager to change the subject. And in any beginner textbook of investigation that is considered a sign of guiltiness." I say, I lean back in my chair when I realize I brought my face inches away from the lawyer in anger.

"So he never actually confessed during the captivity of You and Sherlock?" Henderson says in a tone sounding like he just discovered how a TV works. Finally, he backs up from the stand and begins pacing everywhere.

"Well no, but in order to be in here right now he had to confess in an interrogation room. And at the time he was sort of dragging a knife vertically down my wrist." I retort standing up.

The judge bangs his hammer, "Miss Holmes, sit down!" The judges sighs, "Please don't be like your father when Mr. Moriarty was here." I comply to the judges orders.

"Now, where were we," Henderson jokes, "ah, the injury Mr. Smith inflicted upon you...was it life threatening?"

"Sort of. I had multiple sets of stitches on each cut and the long vertical one has internal stitches in it. I still have the stitches in now. " I say pointing to the gauze around my arm.

"But one set of stitches was already there, self-inflicted I suppose?" Henderson suggests. I shoot up in rage.

"How the," I try to resist saying the word about to come out but my mind can't stop it,"fuck did you know that? In fact, how did you know one set of stitches had already been there? Mr. smith over here ripped them open so how would you know that!" I scream as the judge continually bangs his hammer.

"SIT MISS HOLMES. No such language shall be used in my courtroom!" the Judge demands, "a 15 minute recess is in order and will the 2 lawyers please come to my office for a side bar. The Holmes witness is not aloud on the stand anymore because of repeated outburst and the tendencies of her father." The judge says dismissing court.

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