Ripped Open

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"SHERLOCK!?" I scream, a little scared as to what they have done to Sherlock.

"Mmm." I hear a groan in the distance, it's Sherlock, I'm tied to a chair. I begin to scoot over to the groan, when I feel a hand yank my shoulder.

"You're not going anywhere." a rough voice laughs as in scooted back to the middle when they turn on the lights, blinding my momentarily.

"Sherlock get over here to see your daughter!" the man with a black bears, buff, and a large stomach laughs. A scrawny little boy drags Sherlock's limp body over to a chair. The boy is most likely a servant, "so you wanted to know who murdered that man? I've been following you throughout the case. "

The bearded man rip one of my arms out of the ropes, it's the arm with stitches, my heart starts to pound, "Yes, but don't hurt....her." Sherlock says between gasps, I've never seen him like this hopeless.

"Too late for that." The bearded man brings out a large knife and plunges it into my wrist where the stitches are, I scream and cry in pain. The string that held the gash closed fall to the floor as he brings cutting into other places on my arm.

"Please PLEASE STOPP!" I cry out in pain, practically begging, which I hate to do.

"I will stop once your dad decides to tell the police that it was that scrawny gay man that killed Toby!" The man screams, spit pours out of his mouth.

"So, it was you who killed Toby? Why?" Sherlock deduces, I see a sparkle in his eye that most likely means, he has a plan.

"Because, I loved him. We were having an affair, I kept on telling him that he needed to break off from his wife and be with me." The bearded man explains, an unordinary amount of blood was pouring down my arm as he was still cutting all over my arm, I hope he didn't hit a major artery, I think. I start to feel faint.

"So, Toby was a gay man, having 2 affairs, you came over one night to see him, you started to discuss that he needed to leave his wife, after minutes of silence, he declined. You, infuriated, strangled him to death. Once you realized what happened, you ran." Sherlock opens his eyes after imagining everything in his "Mind Palace". Instantly Sherlock lifts out of the chair, the men hadn't bothered to strap him in, thinking he was too weak for anything, and attacks to the 2 men guarding him and then pick pockets a gun out of one of the men he knocked out, and points it at the bearded man.

The blood running down my wrist is now coming out of the slices fast we faster. I hear police sirens in the distance.

"What are you going to do now?" the bearded man scoffs at Sherlock, who cocks the gun.

"Shoot you." Sherlock says in a mundane tone as he pulls the trigger, the bullet plunges into the mans thigh and he falls to the ground, Sherlock quickly handcuffs him to the table leg. Where he got the handcuffs? I will never know.

"Um...Sherlock...wrists...bleeding bad..." I say before darkness creeps in and I fall into an ultimate darkness.

A/N: sorry I haven't updated in a while and sorry for the short filler chapter!

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