Chapter twenty five

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The school day was finally over.

I decided that I wanted to walk home so I called Adam and told him just that. He said to be careful. Of corse I'll be careful, I have strong feeling that no one is going to mess with me because of me flipping Ben earlier.

I decided to text that kid on the way home. Here is our conversain:

Me: hi, this is Maxie but call me Max

Him: My name is Trevor

Me: so.... Why did you want me to text you?

Him: I think we have something In common

Me: like what?

Him: we like the same band, we have the same style. And I noticed that you like to sing.

Me: so, what do you want.

Him: sing at my party on friday. Bring adam.

Me: I'll have to ask Adam, I don't know if he would allow it.

Him: then come by yourself........ How about this, meet me outside of the schools coffee shop tomorrow after school. Tell your "dad" that you are hanging out with a friend.

Me: no, I'm not doing what you are telling me to do

Him: do what I say or I'll make your life hell, and I know a secret of yours.

Me: fine. Bye

After that I noticed that I was home.

I was suspicious of Trevor, and I was going to bring a pocket knife to the meeting at the coffee shop just in case.

And to be honest I always have one with me, and if you think I'm crazy, I have a permit to carry it around with me, I got one after Ben put me in the hospital.

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