A Mouse, A Deer, A Black Dog, and a Boy

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Lily's POV

Ever since last year, Alice has been one of my best friends. So is Marlene. But, last night I found out something that somehow bothered me.


"Alright, we haven't had a sleepover since summer. Let's do one now." I say and plop down on my bed. Marlene laughs and Alice giggles. "Alright." She throws her body onto my bed, too. Alice sits down and levitates her bed over. She laid on her bed and I grinned, "Alright, then." I levitate the chocolate sweets from my trunk and throw some at Marlene and Alice.

"Alright, what shall we start with?" I ask. Marlene laughs. "Let's talk." Alice giggled, "About boys." I laugh and open a chocolate frog. I feel Marlene and Alice's eyes on me. I look up and see Marlene grinning and Alice kind of smirking. "What?" I ask around the chocolate in my mouth. Marlene grins and looks at Alice, then at me. "You never talk about boys." I laugh, "Because they're stupid." Marlene laughs and Alice nods. "True. True." Alice laughs, "But, you have to have an eye on somebody." I shift uncomfortably on my bed.

"Fine, we'll go around the circle and say who we like and why. Starting with Marlene." Marlene laughs, "Fine." She pops some lemon drops in her mouth and said, "Sirius. Because he's hot and funny. And, why wouldn't you like him?" I raise my hand. She scowls at me. "No one asked for your opinion, Lily." I quirk an eyebrow, "Really? Because I'm pretty sure you did." She rolls her eyes, "Whatever, Alice go."

Alice grins and throws her chocolate frog wrapper on her bed. "I like James Potter." Marlene's mouth opens and mine drops. Something inside me just snapped. I got a weird feeling. I don't know what it is. I didn't recognize the feeling. "What!?" Marlene grins. Alice was blushing and nodded. "I like him because he's hot and he's funny. And, sorry for copying but, Why wouldn't you not like him?" Both Marlene and I raised our hands in unison. Both our mouths were still open. She rolled her eyes. Both our hands were still up. She rolled her eyes and scowled, "Would you put your hands down!" She pushed our hands down. She sighed and plopped down on her bed again. "Alright, Lily, your turn."

That, of course brought all of the attention on me. Bloody ____ "I- I don't fancy anyone." Alice rolls her eyes and stuffs a licorice wand in her mouth. Marlene laughs so much she falls over. "Yeah right," she sniffs and wipes her eyes. "Alright, who is it." I sigh. I knew who it is. "JamesPotter." I mumbled. Marlene cupped her ear, "Sorry didn't hear that." I frowned, "James Potter." I said, covering my face with my covers and burying myself under my bed. It was silent. I slowly pulled the covers down. They both had't moved a muscle. They were facing me and their mouths were open. "I swear, It's a tiny crush. I'll get over it in like a week." I say. Marlene starts to grin. Alice giggles and throws me a heart chocolate. I roll my eyes.

"It's alright, Lils. How could you not like him?" Alice grins. Marlene laughs and high fives Alice. I roll my eyes and walk over to the window, while they were talking about James. It was true, I liked him. But, It's not like I fancy him! I just have a little thing for him. A tiny thing. It'll be gone in a week.

I sit on the window seat and look out. It was a full moon. The moon shone bright in the darkness. The sky was a pallet of blue, black and grey. It was at least 11:45, so the sun was all the way down. I saw the outline of the whomping willow. It looked harmless in the middle of the night. The night looked peaceful. And it was... Almost.

When my eyes were half way shut, I saw, at least I think I did, A deer, running. And then I saw a black dog. Then, I saw a boy. A tall boy who was running at the Whomping willow. Then, I think it was a mouse. They all disappeared into the trunk of the whomping willow. I blink. The hole in the trunk closed and I blinked again.



I sat down at the Gryffindor table with Alice and Marlene. They both sat across from me. I heard the door to the great hall open. Why do they always have to enter so dramatically. I knew who it was. How? Do you ask? Because Alice kicked me under the table and grinned. I roll my eyes.

Sirius sat next to Marlene and she grinned into her pumpkin juice. I laughed. She kicked me again. "Ow!" I said and took a bite of my toast, scowling at Marlene. I saw Sirius laugh. James sat next to me and so did Remus. Alice kicked me under the table and I glared at her. "You know, I'd love it if you'd stop kicking me." She blushed and looked at her food. I rolled my eyes.

"Good Morning, Lily, Marlene, Alice. How are you all?" Remus asked. I smiled, "Great, how are you, Remus?" Remus smiles, "Good. Just a little tired." I nodded, "Oh, me too. I think I need to go bed earlier. I was looking outside last night and saw a mouse, a deer, a black dog, and a boy run into the whomping willow. I think i've gone mental." i said and Marlene and Alice shrugged. James and Sirius were laughing. Remus was smiling and eating and Peter was giggling uncontrollably. "A mouse!" Sirius laughed and fell off the bench. James was laughing so hard he was crying. "What is wrong with you?" I ask.

James tried to respond, but he was laughing too hard to be any help. After ten minutes I gave up. They stopped, and then they started up again.

The thing is, I secretly hope they never change.


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