Have Another Guess

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James' POV

I nudge Sirius. He nods and we stand up on the table. "EXCUSE ME!" I Yell. Half of the Gryffindor table heard me. None of the teachers even noticed us. "MAY I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION!?" That got a few more heads, one of them being the head Professor's. Sirius pulled out his wand and lit a firecracker he always kept in his bag.

The firecracker caused many people to cover their ears. Some even got under the table, thinking it was a muggle gun. We learned about them in Muggle Studies.

Professor McGonagall glared at us, "Mr. Potter, Mr. Black, What in the name of Merlin are you doing? What is it with you and tables? And what did I say about the tables?" I grin at her, " Announcing Prank Wars, Of course!" There were murmurs throughout the Great Hall.

We started a ritual for the first week of February that is called Prank wars. Prank wars is a game where you can prank all of your friends, enemies, and professors. The only rule is that you can not kill anyone. Mostly because we didn't feel like dealing with a murderer because of us.

"Now, If any of you have forgotten, or are first years, Here is what we are talking about." I said. I gestured to Sirius, who had made his way over to the ravenclaw table. "Prank wars is simply a game. Now, us Marauders take this game very seriously. Mostly because we invented the game. And, naturally, we are all over anything having to do with laughter and pranks." He gestured me to continue, "Now, You can prank whoever the heck you want. Your teachers, fellow classmates, ghosts, friends, enemies, boyfriend, girlfriend. Although, I suggest you ask before doing the last one." I say. That earned a few chuckles. "Now, if you do not wish to participate, then I suggest you find a good hiding place for the next week."

"Now, We only have one rule." I say, holding up my pointer finger to exaggerate. "But, it's a really easy rule." Sirius adds. I nod, "I'm sure a few Slytherins will be mad at us for saying this, but... absolutely no killing!" Snickers spread across the great Hall. I got quite a few glares from the Slytherin table. "Friendly reminder, it starts tomorrow. Thank you, you can go back to stuffing your faces." Sirius and I hopped down and chatter immediately started.

I gave Sirius a fist bump and grinned. We heard footsteps behind us and we slowly turned around, we already had a pretty good idea who it was. And, let's just say we weren't very excited to turn around.

Professor McGonagall was standing in front of us, her hands clasped together, lips pursed, and eyes narrowed. "Good evening, Minnie. How are you?" I ask. "Mr.Potter, that is highly inappropriate." But Sirius and I could see her lip twitch.

"Are we in trouble then?" Sirius asks, Professor McGonagall frowned, "Have a guess." I smirk, "No?" She rolled her eyes, "Have another guess."


Turns out, we would get off with a warning this time, but next time she saw us on the tables, stepping in people's food, we would earn ourselves each a detention. I wasn't surprised.

It was worth it though. Everyone knew what Prank wars was and tomorrow it would start. 


So, this was a filler. Next chapter, be ready for pranks. Btw, the reason I appreciate your comments is because they make me feel like you actually are interested in what I am writing. All views, comments, and votes are appreciated. Thank you!

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