Sirius' Not So Secret

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Remus' POV

I groan, "What's taking them so long!?" Peter shrugs. "Maybe they're getting sweets from the trolley." he said it with longing written all over his face, and he licked his lips. I rolled my eyes, "I don't know. I hope they remembered what I owled them and aren't looking for us on the train." Peter shrugged again, "We'll find them eventually. It's not like they don't know which compartment is ours." I nodded.

Then, the compartment door finally slid open, and there stood a deer and a black dog. I jumped up and ran to the door, closing it. I glared at the deer and dog. "Really?" I asked. Then, they turned into humans and tried to hug me. I pushed them away, I saw Sirius wince. I remembered the scars. I sighed, "Let's go, lie down Sirius." Sirius looked confused for a minute, then seemed to understand what I meant.

James sat down and Sirius layed down, his legs on James' lap. I got on my knees and removed Sirius' shirt. I had been practicing nonverbal spells over the break and I had finally mastered it yesterday. The light came out from my wand and I saw a few small cuts healing already.

Then, we all stopped when the door slid open. It was Lily. I tried to cover Sirius' back in time. But, It was too late. I heard her gasp and push me aside. Sirius groaned into the seat cushion and James looked worried. "Sirius, What happened?" Sirius didn't reply, instead, James did. "Uh, he fell off his broom into a pile of wood." I have to admit, I was impressed at his quick thinking, although it was an awful situation for I to be proud of him. He lied.

Lily looked at Sirius skeptically. Then her eyes widened. She said, "I'm so sorry, Sirius." She shook her head, "Anyways, the reason I'm in your compartment is that the conductor would appreciate it if he didn't have any screaming girls on this train ride. So, that means, no pranks." James stiffled a laugh, "We'll see." Lily rolled her eyes and gave one last look at Sirius and said, "You know, there's a better spell."

She walked over to Sirius and placed her wand on his back he flinched. She furrowed her eyebrows and said, "Lovi invoka, hova lone." Then she repeated it at least five times. The wounds were closing and they didn't even have to hold Sirius down. Sirius only shivered. Then she said, "Tui gratia Lovis grati sit cures." And the four remaining scars left. The only scars he had on his back were from earlier and apparently we had forgotten them. There were only four.

Lily nodded in satisfaction and slid her wand in a pocket inside her Hogwarts robes. She walked to the door and we were all still in shock. Then, she popped back inside our compartment. "You had better be getting on your robes, I expect we'll be arriving soon." She smirked at out confused and awed faces and walked away, the door sliding shut behind her.

"What language was that?" Peter asked, "I'm not sure about the first thing, but the second line she said was latin. I think the first one was Maltese." I said. The others kind of shared looks. I rolled my eyes. "Weird language." Their mouths formed the 'O' shaped. Sirius looked down at his chest, which had about ten marks. "Hey, Remus, You think you remember those spells?" He asked. I sighed and nodded.


We got off of the train and walked through the crunchy snow up to the carriages. The four of us piled in. Then, Kaitlynne and some guy got into our carriage too. "Hey guys." Kaitlynne said, We all said distorted greetings. "Oh, this is Andrew, by the way." Andrew waved at us, "Hey."

So, we found out that Andrew Pelowski was a fourth year, just like Kaitlynne and I have to admit, he was pretty good looking. Andrew had jet black hair, blue eyes and a permanent smirk on his face. We also found out that he was really cool and funny. And, he was in Gryffindor. We also found out a little secret.

We hopped out of the carriage and Kaitlynne said, "One second, I've got to quick say something to Megan." She ran off to a group full of Ravenclaws. "So, what's up with you and Kaitlynne." James says, immediately turning on Andrew. Andrew blushed a little and said, "Umm, nothing. Why? Do you fancy her?" He asked the last question with a scowl. Then, he caught himself and blushed deeper.

James raised an eyebrow. "First of all, I wanted to know, because she might as well be my sister, and no, I do not fancy. But... obviously you do." Andrew's face was now as red as a tomato. "What? No. I don't" He stuttered. James smirked. "Alright, so does she like you back." Andrew looked over at Kaitlynne, who looked like was wrapping her conversation up with the girl named Megan. "I don't think she'd like you to know." James scoffed. "Well, then I guess she'll have to get mad at you. Because you just gave it away."

Andrew realized what he did and smacked his forehead. "So, you like each other." James stated. Andrew nodded, "But she doesn't know that I know she likes me." James laughed. "So you're obviously not dating." Andrew shook his head. He was about to say something but then he saw Kaitlynne about three feet away and said, "Hahaha that's a good one James." Kaitlynne smiled, "Sorry, what did I miss?" Andrew shrugged, "Nothing much. We'd better get going though. Good to meet you four." We nodded at him and Kaitlynne shrugged and followed Andrew to the doors of Hogwarts.

He'd better not do anything to her. Or else he's going to get bombarded with pranks." I chuckle, "I'd expect nothing less from you, James."


We walked to the Great Hall and sat down at the Gryffindor table. To my right sat Kaitlynne and Andrew. James shook his head. I kind of laughed.

"Students! I hope you had a wonderful Winter break. Whether it be here or at your own house. Welcome back to the students who have just arrived back and Happy Christmas! Now, let the feast begin!"

Then, the silence ceased and cries of joy were heard as plates and dishes filled to the brim with food appeared on the table. I rubbed my hands together and licked my lips. Filling my mouth with chicken legs. 


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