Full Moon

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James' POV

It's been three weeks since James, Sirius, and Peter put the leaves in their mouths. We have one more week until they can finally take it out the leaves. James' been complaining because he can't eat too much, but he shut up once Sirius reminded him why they were doing this whole thing. Sirius really hasn't complained much, mostly because he hated writing things out. Peter didn't say much, or write much.

For some reason, James and Sirius had become fascinated by the power of water and in the past three weeks, they've flooded the girls bathroom twice, the Great Hall, and the Slytherin common room four times. Let's just say, they weren't bored.

We sat in our last class of the day, transfiguration. Professor McGonagall was looking at James skeptically. He was playing with the leaf again. Oh Merlin, Please don't notice. Or ask. I nudged James and wrote on my paper

James! Stop playing with the leaf! Mcgonagall's looking.

He wrote back,

Whoops, sorry.

Professor McGonagall then asked, "I have one question for the Marauders, Why, exactly are you not talking?" I spoke, "They're protesting something stupid." She gives me a pointed look, "And what stupid thing might that be Mr.Lupin?" I shrug, "James said something about betting that out of the three of them, He could keep quiet the longest." I rolled my eyes, to add to the effect. She nodded, "Ah, Boys." James grinned and fist bumped me. Peter gave me a thumbs up. Sirius threw me a wad of paper. I opened it, making sure Professor McGonagall didn't see it. In scribbled hand writing, I read,

Dang, Moony! Remind me, next time we pull a prank and get caught to make you lie.

I sigh and throw the paper back at him. He smirks at me and goes back to taking notes.


One week later...

I have to admit. It was kind of boring not hearing them talk. That was until tonight. We all sat down on the floor in our dormitory. "Alright, Guys, I have to leave in thirty minutes to transform. Now, Let's go through this again, "Remove the leaf at the full moon and place it, steeped in your saliva, in a small crystal phial that receives the pure rays of the moon (if the night is cloudy, you will have to find a new Mandrake leaf and begin the whole process again). To the moon-struck crystal phial, add one of your own hairs, a silver teaspoon of dew collected from a place that neither sunlight nor human feet have touched for a full seven days, and the chrysalis of a Death's-head Hawk Moth. Put this mixture in a quiet, dark place and do not look at it or otherwise disturb it until the next electrical storm." I look at them, "Do you have the crystal Phials?" Peter nods and points to the window, where the almost full moon's rays were filling it up. "Good, and do you have the dew from the enclosed area from the forest?" They nod and Sirius lifted up the box. "And, the Chrysalis of a Death's head Hawk Moth." James sighed and lifted up a bag filled with three chrysalis. "And I thought getting one was hard." He wrote and showed it to me. I rolled my eyes, "Hey, you volunteered." He made a face at me. "Alright, and where are we going to put the phials?" I ask. They roll their eyes and James writes, "In the secret passageway in the prisons." I nod. "Well, I'd better be going." I set down the book. "Good luck."

And with that, I walked out and down to the back entrance of Hogwarts. Professor McGonagall was waiting there. She said, "Is It alright if this is the last time I escort you? I think you're highly capable on your own." I nod. "Yeah, That's alright." She smiled and walked to the Whomping Willow. She levitates a stick and touched the knot in the roots. The hole opened and I walked to it. I slid down the tunnel. It shut behind me. I walked up the stairs and sat on the sofa. I sighed. I felt the familiar tingle in my spine and growl as I felt the pain. It's going to be a long night.


James' POV

Honestly, I can't wait until I can talk again. I've been so hungry the past two weeks, my stomach is empty. Because, It's so hard to eat without swallowing that darn leaf. There's five minutes. Five minutes until I can talk again. I groan and throw myself onto the bed. I walked over to the book and re-read the instructions, "Remove the leaf at the full moon and place it, steeped in your saliva, in a small crystal phial that receives the pure rays of the moon (if the night is cloudy, you will have to find a new Mandrake leaf and begin the whole process again). To the moon-struck crystal phial, add one of your own hairs, a silver teaspoon of dew collected from a place that neither sunlight nor human feet have touched for a full seven days, and the chrysalis of a Death's-head Hawk Moth. Put this mixture in a quiet, dark place and do not look at it or otherwise disturb it until the next electrical storm." I sighed and looked at the clock, 11:59. 'Guys! I yelled, the leaf held under my tongue, They looked up from their game of cards to look at me. I pointed at the watch. Thirty seconds left. They race to their feet and put the chrysalis' and the dew in the phial. Two seconds. One second. Go! And I took out the leaf and put it in the phial. I placed the cork on the phial and coughed, "Wow. I'm surprised my voice isn't gone." I laughed. Sirius gasped as he pushed the cork onto the phial. Peter nodded as he stuck his leaf in and put the cork in. "Here, place it in here."

We put all of the phials into the box and snuck down to the common room. Then, we ran as quietly as possible, to the stairs. Then, we tiptoes down the stairs, using the light of our wands to find the secret passage way once we got to the dungeons. We kept going down until we could only hear a water drop fall. We froze the water. James set the box down and took out the false brick. We'd been down here before, Playing hide and seek. He placed the box inside and then put then pushed the brick in, it only went in so far, there was a half a millimeter sticking out, but we didn't care, It looked like some of the others did. Plus, this way it would be easier to pull out and to get to the box.

We were still quiet. We tiptoed all the way back to the Gryffindor common room, Right outside the portrait, Sirius grinned and took out the dung bomb he always carried around. "Sirius! What are you doing?" He grinned and threw it over the railing and onto the many staircases below. I shook my head. He just chuckled. We ran inside and up to our dormitory. Once inside, I said, "Wow, It is good to be able to talk again." Sirius nodded. "Yeah. If I had to keep that bloody leaf in my mouth one more day I would've lost it." Peter laughed, "Me too, even though I'm usually quiet, I mean, that was hard." I look at them, "Hey, What even is an electric storm?" They shrug, "ask Remus tomorrow morning." I nod, "Night, Guys." I jump into bed and fall asleep, finally not having to worry about accidentally swallowing the bloody leaf in my sleep.


Hey! So, How's the book so far? I'm sorry about this chapter. It's kind of like a really pathetic filler. So, yeah. Sorry. :(

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