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Sirius' POV

It's been five days of bloody hell.

It's been five days. Five days since a lot of things have happened. Five days since I'd stepped off the train. Five days since i've seen my friends. And Five days since I've drank anything. I would say that it's been five days since i've eaten, but I guess that'd be a lie. It's been four days. The first day full day we were home. Regulus tried to sneak me some grapes, apple slices, anything that could fit under the crack in the door.

Well, Regulus was doing pretty good, until my mother had realized she'd forgotten her umbrella at home and apparated back while Regulus was trying to sneak me some cheese. Regulus got yelled at, but nothing was done to him. He wasn't grounded, beat, cruciatus cursed, nope. Nothing. It made me frustrated.

Don't get me wrong, I love Regulus. It's not Regulus that I'm frustrated with, it's my parents. Just because i'm not who they wanted me to be, I get punished. It makes absolutely no sense. I could have been Raven claw, or even hufflepuff. But no, the universe had to hate me and put me in bloody Gryffindor. Sure, It sounds like i'm complaining, i am, but I love being in Gryffindor. Except for that it comes with a catch. And that catch is that i'm disowned from the family. I'm beaten and tortured by my parents. And I get to be enemies with every Slytherin alive. Perfect.

I guess it could be worse. But I just wished that something would change. Like my parents opinions. And their character. And their existence.

Because Evans found out about my life behind my smile, I wasn't entirely surprised this morning when I received a letter from her.

Sirius Black,

Hello Sirius. I hope you are enjoying yourself during Christmas Break.

I rolled my eyes at that line.

But, I didn't forget what James said. About your life and what your family is like. Just wanted to let you know that someone hopes you are well.

Happy Christmas,

Lily Evans

P.S. Don't think that this letter makes us friends, and no, Sirius, I was not flirting with you.

I laughed. I have no doubt in my mind that Evans likes James. I was a little shocked, though, that she wrote to me. I definitely am not going to tell James about this or else he'll get mad.


James' POV

It's been Five days of bloody heaven.

I guess I never truly realize how much I miss my mum and Dad. Even last year I was always surprised by how thankful I was to see them. But, I never did see much of my dad. But, this year I guess something changed, because he was there to pick me up and he's been at home every other day so far. I asked him if he was going to continue to do that and he said he would.

My Mum was very happy that my Dad had been here for the Holidays. He usually isn't. He's usually too loaded with work or something like that. That's always been his excuse and i'm sure that that will always be his excuse.

Today was one of those days where my dad was at work. My Mum had gone out for last minute Christmas shopping, considering Christmas was tomorrow. My mum had said I should hang out with Kaitlynne.

I walked across the street, broom in hand and knocked on her door. Her mother answered the door and I tilted my head and smiled, "Hello, Mrs. Laverell. How are you?" She smiles, "I'm doing just fine, are you here for Kaitlynne?" I nodded. She smiled and turned, "Kaitlynne, you have a visitor." I heard something crash and her mother shook her head. "Now, really, how many times have I told you not to jump off the stairs. You've broken that vase over fifty times." She then shook her head, smiled at me and went to the kitchen.

When Kaitlynne came to the door, She was still rolling her eyes and mocking her mother. She smiled when she saw me. "Jamesy!" She hugged me. Then she eyes my broom, "I'll go grab mine, meet me at your yard in five minutes." She then closed the door in my face before I could say anything. I shrugged and raced to my manor.

When Kaitlynne showed up, she had her broom in one hand and her golden snitch in the other. She grinned, "Get ready, Gryffindor King." I grinned, "Oh, Bring it on." She smirked and jumped on the broom.


I wiped the sweat from my forehead as we walked into my manor, getting some pumpkin juice to drink. "So, your friend, Pettigrew." I frowned, I forgot about this. "Yeah, look, he doesn't actually like you. He just sort of acts like that around all girls, and he kind of panicked and that was the first thing that came to his mind." I saw a hint of relief flood into her face. I could see she was trying to cover it. "Ok."

I laughed, then turned to smirk at her. "What?" She said, taking a sip of her pumpkin juice. "Do you fancy anyone yet?" Her ears turned red. "What? No." I grin and point at her ear. "Really, your cherry red ears seem to think differently." She swatted my hand away.

"Fine. I fancy someone, alright." She huffed and gulped down the rest of her drink. I laughed, "Broke ya!" She made a face at me. "So, who is it?" I ask casually. "You think i'd tell you?" She asked, eyebrows raised and an amused look on her face. "Man, you've been spending too much time with Sirius." I laugh.

She'd already met Sirius. When he had come over in the Summer we would play quidditch together. She'd always pulverize us, but it was still fun.

"Fine, don't tell me." I said, hoping she'd tell. She shrugged, "Ok." And walked out of my manor. I rolled my eyes, "Girls." I mumbled to myself.


Remus' POV

I sat down on the couch and opened a book i'd found lying around in my bedroom. I didn't notice my Mum and Dad had come into the room until my Dad cleared his throat. I looked up and saw My Dad sitting across from me in an armchair and my Mum beside him.

"Remus, Did you tell anyone?" My Dad asks. I groan, Are they going to ask me this everytime I come home? I nod, "Yes." My dad gasps and my mum looks completely shocked. "WHAT!?" My Dad cries. I shrug, "I told my friends that I'm a werewolf."

My Dad looked completely shocked. My mum had seemed to recover. "And, they still talk to you?" I nod. "They still like you?" I nod. "They still want to hang out with you," I nod. My mother looked awed.

She looked at my Dad, "Wow..." My Dad had recovered and now looked angry. He stood up. "I told you not to tell anyone, it won't help you. It will hurt you-" I stood up, outraged, "I told you. You had bad friends. All you needed were better friends, then you could've told someone and have them not tell anyone."

My Father looked murderous. "Are you saying I don't know what good and bad friends are?" I nod, "Uh, Yeah! Look, Dad, If you had just had better friends, then there wouldn't be anyone at Hogwarts other than your friend or friends that knew your secret." My Dad was speechless. "Fine. But next time i won't give you advice." He then stomped up the stairs and disappeared into the hallway.

My mum sighed, "Look, Sweetheart. Your Father wants what's best for you. Just think how miserable you would have been if your friends had thought you were a freak or scary." I tried to interrupt her and tried to tell her that she was wrong, that they weren't scared of me, but she held up her hand, "Just imagine that happening, just imagining who you thought were your best friends, brothers even. And then they betray you and tell the entire school."

I imagined it, I was glad I had made friends with whom I did. "Did you imagine it?" She asks, I nod. "That was your father's childhood." It was silent. She got up and patted me on the back. She kissed my head and followed my Dad upstairs.


I would've done Peter's POV, but I honestly couldn't think of anything to write about for him. So, just imagine that he's having a great Break. Thank you for 250 

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