A Day Full of Pranks

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Sirius' POV

We've been planning this day for weeks. A day full of pranks. In fact, we're using all of the prank ideas that James and I had in our plotting journals.

Remus was up first at Breakfast.


"Do you have the prank all ready?" I asked Remus as we sat down at the end of the Gryffindor table. Remus nodded, "Yep. It'll happen in thirty seconds." I nod and grin as I take a bite out of my bacon. Then, all of the sudden, eggs, toast, and bacon flew off of DUmbledore's plate and into his face.

I expected Dumbledore to be mad, but he wasn't. In fact, Dumbledore was laughing. Hard. He thought it was hilarious... but, McGonagall didn't. "Mr. Potter and Mr. Black!" She accused us of doing it. That made me laugh harder. "Detention." James and I didn't care though. Because, the prank was worth it.

After Dumbledore got cleaned up, we stopped laughing, "Sorry I got you two in trouble." Remus said. James and I chuckled, "Oh, it's fine. The prank was worth it. Besides, one week of detention! That's nothing!" I said. Remus laughed, "Yeah."

After the whole breakfast fiasco, it was my turn for my prank. During Breakfast, I had gotten under the table and used the switching charm on the Slytherin boys. I got up before they noticed. Then I heard laughing. A lot of laughing. Then I grinned at the sight across the room.

All of the Slytherin boys were in muggle prom dresses. Snuffles was in a rather pretty one, Evans even agreed. It was purple with sparkles and it was strapless. Malfoy, believe it or not, had a skin tight one and it was red and gold. Ironic, huh?

Once again, McGonagall's face was outraged, and once again, Dumbledore thought it was hilarious. I'm starting to like Dumbledore more and more.

Somehow, we got out of the great hall without detention, well for that prank, or being sent to the dungeons. So, we decided to do James' prank.

"Alright, Padfoot you have the sixth and seventh floor bathrooms. Moony, you have the fourth and fifth. Wormtail, you have second and third. And I have First floor, ground floor, and below ground. Let's go."

I raced to the sixth and seventh floor and ran around, looking for bathrooms so that we could clog all of the toilets. I found three on the seventh floor and five on the sixth. Except, the last bathroom took me forever because a professor was using one of the toilets. I just plugged the other ones and waited, hiding, for Professor sprout to finish.

I ran down the staircases when it switched and took me to the third floor. I groaned but then I spotted Peter. "Wormtail!" I called he looked relieved. "Need some help." He nodded, "yeah."

I ran to the part where he hadn't clogged yet and helped finish clogging three more bathrooms. There were 8 bathrooms on the third floor and 9 on the second. We ran down and Met the others.

"Did everyone get all of them?" James asked. I nodded, so did the others. "Right, let's get going with Peter's now."

We all raced to the owlry, We each put a confundus charm on the Slytherin owls. It wasn't hard to tell which owls were Slytherins, mostly because all of them were sitting straight, were grey or dark green, and somehow kind of glared at the other owls.

This prank really wasn't hard. It was the sticking part that was a bit tricky. I mean, the confundus charm works brilliantly, it's just that it wears off in about a half an hour. Remus fixed that, though.

"Alright, we did James', Sirius', Remus' and mine." Peter said. I grinned. "I say it was a good day.


And it was a good day, a great day, in fact. Except for the fact that we were caught and got after school detention with McGonagall for the next month. 


I am incredibly depressed by this chapter, I was hoping it would turn out better. But, It's just another crappy filler. Hopefully, the next chapter will be better

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