Chapter 6

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~~~Ciel's POV~~~

I had just returned to my study thinking of the night before.
Sebastian walked in with some tea from the indian ports. "I'm not thirsty" I tell him but he hands it to me anyway. "You need to drink" He said with his regular expressionless face. I frown and take a sip relizing how thirsty I really was. Sebastian smiled at my expression.
"May I ask what is bothering you, young master?"
"The girl from last night."
"What about her?" He asks.
"Shes.....nothing" I say.
Sebastian then relizes i'm out of tea and says "I'll leave you to it" and exits the room.
"She looked familiar..." I said to myself looking around some papers.
"My lord, I herd there was to be another robbery down at the jewelry store tonight, she might be there.." Sebastian steps in.
"Hm, you might be right. Let's go."
Once we finally got to the store the alarm had already gone off and the girl in the black suit was walking away.
"Hey! Stop!" I chase after her.
She stops and turns around. As she turns around I can tell that she has some sort of tattoo on her neck.
"Hello, Ciel Phantomhive!"
"Who are you?" I glare.
She laughs and pushes me against a wall.
"You can't tell?" She pouts.
Her bright blue eyes sparkled.
"No it's just, ugh just tell me who you are!" I Scowl.
She plays with her hair a bit and smiles
"Oh Ciel! Your so adorable when your confused."
That smile... It's...
I put my hand on my head. "Gah."
"Young master!" Sebastian calls as he walks toward us.
"Y-your voice, your s-smile, your eyes... Who are you?!"
She frowns "Oh, Ciel I'm sorry if you really want to know,"
She lifts up her mask.
"Surprise...." Alice says quietly
"Why would you?" My eyes widen.
"Well, I know about you being the guard dog and I wanted to help but it's not really my style so I dressed up like this and well... Here I am!" She smiled.
I give her a tight hug.
"What about the time at the beach? You were so defenseless!"
"Well... I don't really want to hurt people, and I really don't feel powerful unless I'm hidden." She says embarrassed.
I lean over and kiss her.
"Why did you-"
"It felt right." I shrugged.
"So we're good?" She perked up.
"Yeah, we're good..." I said hugging her.
She went back to frowning. "I'm sorry Ciel..."
I glance over at her neck. "So your tattoo..?"
"Grell. Show yourself." Her contract sign starts to glow and Grell comes out with his chainsaw and regular clothes.
"OH DEAR BASSY!" He runs out and jumps into Sebastian's arms.
"Hm... What happened to his butler uniform?" Sebastian asks throwing him out of his arms.
"Well... He didn't like it, so from now on he'll wear his regular clothes." She smiles. "Plus he can get his reaper work done while he's at it!" She continues.
From behind her I see William. T spears walk up.
"So your the one getting Mr. Suttcliff to actually do his work." He says.
She nods.
'What is that... A smile on his face?!'
I think to myself as I look at him talking to Alice.
"My dear is that what you usually wear?" He asks looking at Alice's outfit.
She blushes "N-No! I usually wear dresses, this is to keep me hidden..."
"I see. That makes more sense. Grell, good work this month." He nods and walks away.
Grell jumps up and down "MY LADY DID YOU SEE THAT?! HE SAID GOOD WORK!"
Grell squealed and Alice giggles.
"Indeed he did! If we keep it up he might say it again!" Alice says trying to calm him down.
Grell sqealed even louder making Alice smile again.
I cover my ears. "Will someone shut this loon up?!"
Everyone try's everything they possibly can so I try to pull out the big guns.
He instantly shuts up and looks at me. "you mean it?"
I sigh, "But only if your quiet, Got it?"
"Oh yes!" He said only to cover his mouth.
I could see the look in his eyes and knew what he was thinking about and
stifled a laugh.
Sebastian looks over at me worried "Are you sure young master?"
"Of course I am sure" I respond, "Why not? Is there something wrong with my decision?"
"Not at all my lord" He says kneeling down.
"Very well then" I say straighting up to see Grell with a nosebleed and Alice tending to him.
"Ciel!!!" She exclaimed, "Grell was just standing here when he collapsed with a nosebleed! Do you know what happend?"
"Nope,not at all" I tell her rolling my eyes.
"Oh, dear I wonder what could have happened" She went back to tending him.
"It will remain a mystery" I state as I shoot Sebastian a look and he was frowning deeply to that I smiled because he knew what Grell was thinking as well.
But then Grell bolts up. "Wait a second, Didn't you offer me this same thing if I was your bodygaurd?" He said thinking, "WAIT YOU DID!!!"
The whole time Grell was saying this Sebastian was trying to force a smile on his face but was failing to do so.
"You can't go back this time!" Said Grell crossing his arms and making a pouty face.
"I promise I won't" I said cooly.
"Young master, Have you forgotten that I am still here" Said Sebastian trying to be respectful.
"Easily" I mumbled making him turn to look at me.
"Oh Bassy! I have not forgotten you!!!" Said Grell jumping up and down. "What a pity" Said Sebastian turning around.
"But BASSY!!!!!!" Whined Grell. 'Greeell Your not being Quieettt' I said in a singsong voice and Grell Instantly Shuts up.
"Much better" Mumbled Sebastian And Grell Whined Silently.
"Grell are you okay? I saw your nose had started bleeding...." Alice hugged him.
Grell smirks "Oh! I'm perfectly fine."
Grells response sends shivers up Sebastian's back.
"So! When's the day with my Bassy?!" He asks happily.
Alice smiles widely "How about tommorow!? That will give me and you some time together Ciel!"
I blush an nod "That's sounds good.."
"Well how much time do I have?!" Grell asks even more excited than before.
I groan "Seven in the morning tomorrow till seven in the morning the next day."
Sebastian's face goes back to his worried look "twenty-four hours my lord?"
I nod "That's what I said didn't I?"
Alice covers Grells mouth. "We shall see you tomorrow then. She smiles and walks off.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2013 ⏰

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