Chapter 1 - A Chance

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Getting a job at the BBC studios had been my dream job ever since I was fourteen years old. I had visited it on a school trip once and instantly fell in love. I adored the fact that celebrities were milling around like normal people and everyone looked so cool in their fancy headphones. I had just always wanted to work in the music industry and now, I was on my way.

I found it extremely exciting because now I got to skulk around backstage whilst listening to all of the bands and artists perform whenever they came into the recording studios, or if they were being interviewed. I wasn’t exactly allowed to because I was only a simple intern. All I was supposed to do was make people coffees and file away heaps of boring paperwork. However I didn’t mind breaking the rules once in a while.

And today was no different. In fact, today I was especially thrilled because my all-time favourite band, The Vamps, were arriving to do an interview for Radio 1.

I had absolutely loved them ever since I found their YouTube channel. I could sit for hours watching their amazing covers that practically sent chills down my spines. I haven’t been able to get them out of my head since.

Although I might be able to catch a glimpse of them, I knew I would probably never have a chance to actually speak to them. Not that they would want to speak to me anyway, I was probably the biggest geek in the world. My idea of a good time was reading hundreds of book and having late night movie marathons. That wouldn’t exactly fit in with their brilliant pop star lifestyle. They would never even look twice at a girl like me.

I knew I shouldn’t have a favourite because they are all as equally as special to me, but mine has to be James. Ah, James Mcvey. He is incredibly talented, not to mention absolutely bloody gorgeous. I can’t help but let out a little squeal when he posts a new topless photo on Instagram. I often dreamt that one day he would play his guitar to me as he sings in his soft, husky voice. I knew that was very unlikely though.

Anyway, now that they were coming to the BBC studios, I was simply determined to at least catch a glimpse at them. I just had to.


The day started off pretty much as usual, with lots of bossy, ignorant people ordering me to do thousands of tasks for them. Sometimes it really was tiring working at the bottom as a pathetic intern, but I knew I had to persist. Everyone has to start from somewhere right? I would start from the bottom and work my way up.

“Oi you! Take these files up to my office!” One rude man called at me, before dumping a huge pile of jumbled folders into my arms. I was startled by his disrespect for me and almost wanted to throw his precious work on the floor in front of him, but I couldn’t risk getting fired. Not when I had such a good chance of seeing the Vamps.

“Of course sir,” I replied curtly, shooting him my fakest smile and stumbling off in a different direction.

Gosh, the folders were heavy! I struggled to even see where I was going because the pile was so tall in front of my face. My arms were practically trembling under their immense weight. Curse me for being so weedy!

I wobbled around for a while, trying to remember where exactly this man’s office actually was, until I made it to the stairs. I knew it had to be up there, but I also knew I would never make it up there.

I sighed heavily. I wasn’t even going to attempt to step up there because it would definitely end with me breaking a leg or something. My shoulders sagged in defeat and I chose to give up. I then swivelled around quickly, however perhaps it was a little too quickly.

Because before I knew it, I had collided into a poor, unsuspecting person and both of us, along with the huge mound of folders, went crashing to the hard, marble floor. I groaned loudly.

I then heard roars of laughter erupt from the surrounding offices after they had evidently seen what had happened. This was so embarrassing, plus my bum now really hurt. I sat up slowly, but as I did my eyes widened in complete astonishment as the person I had bumped into was none other than James Mcvey himself… 

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