Chapter 11 - A Meeting

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I still couldn’t understand why Brad had gotten so angry at James for missing rehearsals. It was totally out of characters. I also couldn’t get over what he had said about me. His harsh words keep replaying in my head, “that boring geek!”

I hated the way he had treated me so much because I had once looked up to him. I was a huge fan of the band before I met them, so for the main singer to throw such horrible insults at me was a huge blow. I suppose celebrities aren’t always as perfect as you envisage them to be.

However I had to remind myself that he was just angry. Perhaps he needed someone to take his angry out on, although I didn’t like the idea of becoming Brad’s personal punching bag.


Right now, I decided to devote all of my attention to James. He had apologised to me a hundred times for what Brad had said, even though I had insisted I didn’t care. But deep down, I sort of did.

Today, James and I were hanging out together as usual. We had decided to keep it simply though and simply chill out in the park. But he had something more important he wanted to discuss.

“My mum wants to meet you…” He announced out of the blue,

I was instantly pulled from my self-deprecating thoughts and tried to comprehend what James had just uttered,


“What? Really?”


“Well yeah… I suppose it is time... we have been together over two months…” He laughed nervously, scratching the back of his neck.

My heart started beating at a quicker pace all of a sudden as I pictured meeting James’ mum. What if she didn’t like me? What if she also thought I was a boring geek and that I wasn’t good enough for her son? I dismissed these ridiculous ideas abruptly and quickly nodded at my boyfriend.

“I’d love to meet her” I grinned, feeling my cheeks blush lightly. Our relationship was progressing fairly fast, but strangely I didn’t mind. Even though this was my first relationship, I was excited. I wanted to meet his family, although he hadn’t met mine yet.

“How about tomorrow then? For dinner?” James suggested, looking awkwardly as he awaited my answer. I couldn’t help but beamed madly at him.

“Yeah, okay then!”


“Are you sure my hair looks alright?” I asked, patting it down hastily as we made our way up to his mum’s front door. I wasn’t dressed particularly fancy, but it was only a casual thing. We were only having dinner together.

“You look lovely…” He replied, before confidently tapping on the door. My heart jolted, because I hadn’t mentally prepared myself yet. His mum answered the door quicker than expected as well. Perhaps she had been sat there, ready to pounce on us as soon as we arrived.

“James, sweetheart!” His mother shrilled, pulling him into a tight hug. She was indeed very pretty, with long blonde hair and stylish clothing. She had a bit of makeup smudged underneath her eye. Maybe she had been in a rush to get ready, just like I was. But I could certainly see where James had gotten his good looks from.

“Hey mum” He chuckled, pulling away from his mum’s embrace,


“And you must be Mia!” She grinned excitedly, before also dragging me into a warm hug. I hugged her back gently and could smell the distinct scent of lavender, most probably from the perfume she was wearing.


“It’s nice to meet you, Mrs Mcvey” I said, cursing myself for sounding so childish. I sounded as though I was a school kid answering a teacher.


“Oh please, call me Tina.”

I stepped into her home and noticed how beautiful it was. Nothing was outplaced and everything fitted so well together. It looked like it was out of a catalogue or something.

“James told me you were very pretty, and he was right!” Tina giggled, before showing us into the wonderfully decorated living room.

I made a quick glance in James’ direction and saw him visually blush. I couldn’t believe he had actually been talking about me to his mum, and he had called me pretty. I suddenly felt very warm inside and couldn’t help but grin.

“You make yourself at home, dear… I just have to finish cooking our meal in the kitchen” She explained, before frowning slightly, “You do like ravioli, don’t you?”

“Yep… it’s one of my favourites” I replied happily. I never really liked meeting new people before, but she seemed so lovely that I felt quite natural around her. I suppose that was a good sign.

Once she had disappeared into the kitchen, James gave a small smirk who that was different and that I’ve never seen before. I frowned at him in confusion,

“What are you smirking at?” I giggled, lowering myself down onto the sofa.

“You’re so cute sometimes” He admitted, slumping down next to me, nudging my shoulder. I didn’t even try to stop myself from allowing my cheeks to heat up.

I was quite bemused as to where his new found confidence had come from. A few months ago, he would never have said something like that to me. He would just stutter and blush constantly but I guess once you been with someone for over two months, you start to loosen up.


Gradually I began to move my head a little closer to his. He made me feel like no one else ever has and I cannot be more thankful. So I leant in and pressed our lips against each other softly. A feeling of electricity shot through me and I smiled into the kiss.

James came a little more confident and placed a hand on the side of my face, deepening the kiss. This was a whole new level for me and my little heart was beating far too quickly. The moment was perfectly, that was until…


“Dinner’s ready… Oh!”

James’ mum had just walked into the room at the wrong moment. We pulled apart quickly and I whipped my head around. Her mouth was making an ‘O’ shape and she flapped her hands frantically,

“Oh my goodness… had not been expecting that…”


“Mum…” James sighed,


“Sorry… sorry… I’ll err… leave you guys alone…” She said, giggling under her breath as she tiptoed into the kitchen. I could tell my cheeks were probably the brightest shade of red, but then again so was James’.

The rest of the evening was made very awkward now, although Tina tried to make it less so. The meal she had cooked of us was beyond anything I had ever tasted, in a good way though. I certainly mind coming back, as long as another incident like that didn’t happen again.

I was enjoying my relationship with James very much and meeting his mum just took us the next level. Despite the awkward event, the day had been very pleasant. Brad’s mean comments didn’t even enter my mind.

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