Chapter 3 - A Fall

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I crept into the interviewing room so quietly that nobody even bothered to turn around.


The Vamps were just about to take their seats in front of a huge desk that was crammed with microphones and various buttons. I stayed extremely quiet in the corner of the room, making sure absolutely no one would notice me.


Although this wasn’t the first time I had snuck into this room, I couldn’t help feeling ten times more nervous, due to the presence of my favourite band. I couldn’t afford to screw this up for them. They had to keep focused on what they were saying, however this didn’t exactly go to plan, because soon enough someone did realise I was there.


James peered over at me whilst he was scanning the room. His eyebrows knitted together in confusion as to why I was there, before a small smirk grew on his lips. I couldn’t stop myself from smiling back at him wildly. His whole existence just made me so utterly happy I wanted to burst. Was that weird? I mean although I had adored him for ages, I had only just met him. I was already infatuated by him.


I motioned for him to keep quiet about the fact I was there, by placing a single finger against my lips. However it was too late.

Brad, Connor and Tristan had already noticed James was beaming like an idiot and all turned to see what he was looking at. My blush increased as each one of them shot me a cheeky smile.


Brad winked at me quickly, before bringing his attention back to the interview which was about to start. I liked Brad, but I didn’t know what to think when he winked at me. It made me feel all fuzzy inside, probably because I wasn’t used to so many guys giving me any attention. Usually boys just ignored me.


All of the sudden, the interviewers voiced filled the room,

“So, I’m here with upcoming, new band The Vamps, ladies and gentlemen!” Everyone in the room cheered and clapped. The boys seemed positively ecstatic.


“You’ve just released your new single ‘Wildheart’, am I right?” The interviewer questioned,


“Yeah, and we’re really happy with it as well” Connor answered, making sure to speak into the microphone. Brad and Tristan nodded in agreement, although I don’t see why. This was a radio interview so no one else could actually see them.


“And is it true you’ve already starting work on your next single?”


“Ah, that might be partly true yeah… but we can’t say too much on that yet” Brad teased, letting out a short laugh.


As I watched the interview happen, I noticed that James was still gazing at me and not paying attention to the boys’ answers at all. And this was fine for a while, that was until the interviewer decided to directly ask him a question.


“James, you play guitar right? How long have you been doing that?” The interviewer asked in an interested manner.


James did not reply. It was almost as though he was totally absorbed in merely staring at me. It was beyond weird experience. I had never, in my whole life, had a boy look at me the way he did. It made me feel special, as if I was the only one in the room that mattered to him. I definitely wasn’t complaining.

The three remaining members whipped their heads round to look at James, confused as to why he wasn’t saying anything.


“James?!” Brad hissed, waving a hand frantically in front of his face to regain his attention.

Suddenly his eyes twitched and he snapped back into reality, removing his eye contact with me,


“Oh g-god… sorry… I wasn’t… um… paying attention… what was the question?”


I couldn’t help but grin at his awkwardness, maybe he was more like me that I had initially thought.

Brad laughed under his breath and glanced around at me, shaking his head. He knew I was the reason James was so distracted. I mean, he made it so bloody obvious. I liked how Brad could just tell though; he instantly knew that James and I liked each other. I suppose they were best friends. I then felt my cheeks heating up again.


“Well, well… someone’s got a little something on their mind, care to share?” I interviewer offered, raising his eyebrows curiously. He leant forward eagerly, awaiting James’ answer.

But before he could reply, Tristan butted in cheekily,


“He’s got a crush on that girl over there” He declared, pointing at me. I realised how quickly this interview was being ruined and became immediately aware of how many people twisted around to see who he was pointing at. I gulped considerably loudly.

I couldn’t handle being the centre of attention with this many people. I wanted the ground to swallow me up that second, so that I didn’t have to stand here anymore.


Unable to take it any longer, I paced swiftly towards the doorway shielding my face from everyone around me. I didn’t even want to look at the Vamps. I knew they were either be laughing their heads off or looking annoyed that I had essentially ruined their interview.


But before I knew it, I had accidently kicked one of the stereo systems that were on the floor and found myself tumbling to the floor, landing with a huge thud.

For the second time that day, I heard a roar of laughter because of my awful clumsiness. This time however I had fallen on my knees rather than my bum, which meant even more of my body now hurt.


As I tried to pick myself up with shame, I saw a large, familiar-looking hand reach out to help me. I quickly peered up and saw that James Mcvey was once again, picking me up. He was making quite a habit of it. 

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