Chapter 14 - A Fight

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“James… what are you doing here?” I asked quietly, my voice coming out barely more than a whisper. I knew he had just heard exactly what Brad had said to me. However I didn’t really know how to approach it.

“Um… I live here?” He shrugged, narrowing his eyes at him slightly. I was aware he was most probably waiting for an explanation from me about what he had just witnessed, but I didn’t really have an answer. I was pretty clueless myself.

“Right…” I muttered, taking a glimpse behind me to see if Brad was there to face up to his best friend but he wasn’t.

“So… Brad likes you?” He spoke finally, a hint of sadness in his voice. My heart dropped into the pit of my stomach, and a wave of guilt rushed over me. James had told me before about his insecurities and how he feared I would eventually end up liking Brad more than him. Now he was most likely that that had come true.

“I… well… yeah, he j-just told me…” I spluttered, nervous as what his reaction may be. I never wanted to come in between their friendship, but somehow it looks like I did exactly that. Was I going to be the reason the Vamps split up?

“Do you… like him back?” James urged quietly, shoving his hands in his pockets. I felt sorry for him. He was so sweet and kind. He also knew his band member could be a threat to him when it came to girls. It must be hard living in someone else’s shadow.

“N-no! Not in t-that way…” I said quickly, throwing my hands up in defence. Was this the truth? Since Brad had revealed his feelings for me a mere ten minutes ago, I couldn’t help but wonder what if would be like if I was dating him instead. I knew I was a terrible person to even let his enter my mind and my guilt increased.

“You’re lying…” He breathed and before I could stop him, he barged past me down the hallway and burst into the room Brad had gone into.

“What the hell is wrong with you?!” I heard James shout. I knew instantly that this wasn’t going to end well. I had never experienced James being angry before so I didn’t know what he was capable of.

I paced briskly after him to find both boys stood in the middle of what I guessed was Brad’s bedroom. I thought quickly of how I could put a stop to this, but everything was happening too fast.

“Why would you do something like that to me?!” James growled, “Are you purposely trying to steal her away for yourself?” He marched towards his best friend, who looked extremely shocked.

“Jamesy… I’m sorr—”

“You’re supposed to be my best mate? Why would you do this?” He uttered, shaking his head whilst waiting for an actual explanation. But Brad didn’t seem to be able to give one.

The room was silent for several moments and I debated with myself whether or not I should speak up. I was just stood in the doorway pathetically, while two guys fought over me. It was a very strange situation for me to be in.

I knew that they mostly likely aware I was in the room but I wanted to make sure. So I opened my mouth to speak, but was yet again cut short as usual when the two boys continued their argument.

“She never said she liked me back mate… it was just me being stupid…” Brad shrugged, looking briefly in my direction. I swallowed hard as more guilt consumed his face. He felt bad about this I could tell. He didn’t want his best friend to hate him.

“Yes… but she was always going to pick you over me, wasn’t she?!” James cried suddenly, flinging his arms in the air. It was then that I had to make myself known. I couldn’t have my boyfriend assuming things about how I felt. How could be expect me to be so shallow?


“Ahem… I am here, you know?”


James twisted around sharply and raised an eyebrow as though he hadn’t expected me to be there. He couldn’t honestly think I would just leave them to it, after he had gone storming off.

I gave him a weak smile, but was totally heartbroken when he didn’t return it.

“Do you or do you not like him back?” James demanded, looking angrier than I had ever seen him.


“Do you like Brad…? Yes or no?” He snapped bluntly. For someone so charming and kind, he sure being challenging. He was deliberately putting my under pressure, causing my already aching mind to fill with wild and bizarre ideas. Ideas that I knew I shouldn’t be having. I found it hard to reply.

Not because I didn’t know the answer, but because my mouth was dry with fear and confusion.

Without the ability to answer, James assumed that my silence meant that I did, in fact, like Brad.


“Right… I see how it is…” He muttered under his breathed, shooting me a look of distaste. My heart started to beat rapidly as I knew I was losing him and I really didn’t want to.

But once again, before I could speak I was interrupted. This time by the awful cracking sound of James’ fist connecting with Brad’s face. I screamed.

“Oh my god!” I squealed, flinging my hands over my mouth in horror, while James made a quick exit from the bedroom. And I was left in total shock as I watched red liquid ooze down the side of Brad’s pained face…  

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