Chapter 16 - A Declaration

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I had no idea where James could have heading to when he stormed off, all I knew was that I needed to speak to hear straight away. I marched outside the Vamps’ house and scanned around in case he was waiting around outside, but to my dismay he wasn’t.

I had to speak to him now. I had finally realised something that I think I knew from the very beginning. I was in love with him.

It was not like when I was merely a fan of the Vamps and I assumed that I was in love with each other because my fan-girl instincts took over. No this was different, this was real.

I hastily yanked my phone from my jean pockets and fumbled around with the buttons before eventually calling James’ number. I couldn’t believe I had even considered feeling something for Brad. Sure he was cheeky and fun at times, but that’s precisely why it would never work.

I was nothing like him. I was reserved, shy, clumsy and above all… a geek.

I was proud to call myself that now because I didn’t care anymore. I had found someone who truly cared and loved me who exactly who I was and I would never want to throw that away. James was so similar to me, which made us compatible. He was sweet and shy, despite him punching Brad in the face. I knew the real him.

He took a while to answer his phone, but I was glad that he eventually did.

“Hello?” I said desperately down the line as soon as he picked up. My breathing was disjointed because I had been so eager to hear his voice and tell him what I had discovered.

“Hi…” He mumbled miserably in reply. My heart was in my throat at the fact that he was so upset. I had never said that I had mutual feelings for Brad. I don’t know why he had assumed that.

“C-can we talk?” I asked, taking breaths to calm my mixture of nerves and excitement. I was about to take a huge step in our relationship. If there still was a relationship that is.


“Why? I’m sure Brad will be happy to talk to you…”


I slapped a hand to my face at his annoying attitude. Why was he so insistent that I was now in love with Brad? I hadn’t done anything to make him think that, not really. But no matter how frustrating he was being, it didn’t distract me from what I needed to say.

“I don’t want to talk to him though… I need to talk to you” I whined.

“I don’t think you do though… you don’t need to try and be nice to me… I was half expecting this to happen…” He waffled on half-heartedly. I furrowed my brow considerably, trying my best not to snap at him. He had expected me to run off with his best friend? Was that the kind of person he thought I was?

I couldn’t get distracted now though. A more important issue was at hand.

“Shut up, will you?”  I said playfully, clutching my mobile tighter to my hand. However I don’t think he was getting the hint because he continued to ramble,

“I know I’m not like him… and I’m not exciting, but I’ve never met someone like you before and I just—”

With a heavy sigh, I cut him off. I couldn’t help but let out a small giggle before three little words tumbled out of my mouth,

“I love you…”

There was no answer, just silence. For a moment I actually thought he may have hung up on me. I knew what I had said probably shocked him slightly. In fact, I still couldn’t believe I had just said it. I was never the one to take control and be impulsive, but I suppose James changed my personality for the better.

“Um, hello?” I sniggered, attempting to get his attention back. I imagined his dumbfounded face on the other of the phone. He was probably stood there in a trance-like state like a right idiot.

“I-I… I love you too…” He whispered.

My heart skipped a beat at his words and I couldn’t stop the wide grin that spread across my face. No one had ever said they loved me before, so this was a brand new feeling.

“So you don’t love Brad?” He questioned, a sense of amusement in his face. He probably realised how silly he was to even think that, and so he should.

“No! No, of course not!”

“Good… that’s good to hear…”

“I liked hearing the other thing much more” I giggled, my cheeks practically aching from smiling so much. He knew exactly what I was talking about.

“Well… I do Mia, I love you.”

He did love me. My favourite member of my favourite band was in love with me. It seriously was a dream come true. He loved me for who I was and for that I couldn’t be more thankful. 

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