Chapter 12 - A Confession

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Meeting James’ mum was definitely a nice experience. I finally felt as if our relationship was real and that wasn’t going to wake up and find out that it had all been a very vivid dream.

I mean three months ago, I had been just a quietly obsessed fan of the Vamps and now I was dating one of them. However I also knew that one of them also didn’t particularly me. Well that’s how it seemed anyway and I was determined to find out why.


I needed an explanation or an apology from Brad if I was ever going to be friends with him again. And I knew that the incident had put a lot of strain between the band. I didn’t want them to break up because of me. That would be a nightmare.


So without really thinking about it, I made my way over to their large, luxurious house in which the party had been held. I called James prior to this to make sure he wouldn’t be there. I didn’t want things to be awkward or for another argument to ensue. No, I needed to speak to Brad alone.


I wanted to find out what his problem was with me. I used to think we were actually friends. I mean, he always smiled and winked at me whenever we were around each other, so what had changed?


I timidly knocked on their front door, wondering nervously who would answer. To my surprise, it was Tristan. However he was only wearing a pair of tracksuit bottoms with absolutely nothing on top. I quite embarrassed and tried not to blush.


“Oh hey Mia” He smiled, glancing down at his naked torso and shaking his head slightly. He obviously hadn’t realised he was topless when he went to answer the door. Not that I was complaining.

“Hi, how’re you?” I asked politely, trying not to gawk too obviously at his bare chest. He was pretty attractive if I’m honest and had a good set of abs. I then mentally cursed myself for thinking this. I couldn’t be thinking things like this when I was with James, it wasn’t right.

“Good thanks, so um… how come you’re here? You know James isn’t in?” He questioned, creasing his forehead in confusion.

“Yeah I know… but I’m… err… actually here to see Brad…”


I knew in my head that this didn’t sound good. It sounded positively suspicious. But Tristan had been there when Brad had had his little outburst, so I guess he must have assumed I was here to sort things out with him. He would never jump to any other conclusion, would he?

“Oh right… okay, come in and I’ll go get him…” Tristan ushered, stepping out the way to I could come inside the house. It was just as big as I remembered, but perhaps not as clean as before.

I heard Tristan bound up the spiralling staircase quickly, whilst I gazed around at the house silently waiting. It wasn’t as I would have imagined when I thought about where the Vamps could live, but in some ways it was so much better.

It was then that I suddenly began to panic because it struck me that I had no idea what I was going to say to Brad. I didn’t want to cause a huge argument between us, because I was no good with conflict and I knew that would cause even more tension in his friendship with James. It would not be fair of me to ruin that.

My heart skipped a beat when I heard the two boys pounding back down the stairs. I began to frantically play with my hands as my eyes met Brad’s. He looked beyond miserable.

“H-hi Mia…” He murmured, seemingly quite embarrassed.

“Um hey…” I replied, shifting my weight between my legs as I always did when I was nervous or impatient.

I then gave Tristan a soft look as a way to tell him I wanted to talk in private with Brad. I really hoped he got the hint.

“I’ll just be in the… err... kitchen then…” He laughed nervously, pointing behind him before exiting the living room in which we were stood. I liked Tristan. He was sweet.

I slowly lowered myself onto one of the sofas and Brad mimicked me by doing the same on the sofa opposite. Neither of us really knew what we were going to say, although I thought it was best if I started, considering I was the one who had come here.

But before I could even utter a sentence, Brad began blurting things out,

“Listen I’m really sorry about that night… I was just angry with James and took it out on you. You know I never meant it… I don’t think you’re boring… or a geek... I promise.” He took a deep breath and awaited my reply eagerly. I didn’t want to forgive him so easily though. His words had majorly affected me to the point where I had cried.

“You really hurt me…” I whispered,


“Yeah I know…” He sighed, hanging his head in shame, “I’m so sorry Mia…”


For a moment I thought he was about to cry. I didn’t want a crying boyband member on my hands so I finally decided to forgive him,

“Okay… I accept your apology…” I smiled faintly, “But why were you so angry in the first place?”

He furrowed his brow harshly and stared intently at the ground, not saying a word. There was evidently something very wrong here and I was really beginning to worry.




“It doesn’t matter, does it?” He snapped, standing up and giving me an unexpectedly angry look. Did he have some kind of anger issues or something? One minute he was all sad and soppy and the next he’s biting my head off. I was really failing to see what he could be so upset about and why he was taking it out on me.

“Brad… I thought we were friends…” I breathed disappointedly, gazing into his eyes. If I was going to be dating James, I needed to get on with his friends. I wouldn’t be the one to make things awkward. However Brad was making this difficult.


“We are… it’s just—”


“Just what?” I asked, sharper than I had anticipated but I was really starting to lose my temper. I had done literally nothing to make him hate me this much. And James had only missed one or two rehearsals. I mean, what was his problem?


“What is your problem with me and James?!”


He looked very startled by my harsh tone and his whole body suddenly sagged as though he was defeated.


“That’s just it… you and him together are the problem…” He mumbled, keeping his gaze fixated on a spot on the ground.


“What?” I said, dumbfounded. I was definitely intrigued by what he meant. I knew I had sometimes distracted James from the vamps, but that couldn’t possibly be the only source of Brad’s problem with us, could it?


"The problem is that you’re with him... and not me."

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