Chapter 2 - A Moment

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I seriously could not believe my eyes. Of all the people in this place that I could have knocked into, it had to be him. My heart began to beat rapidly against my ribcage as James hauled himself up off the ground, chuckling.

I turned my head slightly to see that the remaining three members of the Vamps were stood a few feet away, also in fits of laughter. They had obviously seen everything that had just happened too. This isn’t exactly how I had pictured meeting the Vamps for the first time.

James smiled down at me, before holding out his large hand to help lift me up. Shyly, I grabbed in and used it to pull myself up. I could feel my cheeks blushing furiously.

“I’m s-sorry!” I stuttered, as he released the grip on my hand. My throat was dry due to the fact that I was so incredibly nervous. God, why was I so awkward?


“Hey don’t worry about it, its fine!” He grinned, gazing directly into my eyes, “I blame the idiots who made you carry all of those files…”


I nodded in agreement, still not fully believing what was happening. How was I stood here having an actual conversation with James Mcvey? It was crazy. I really hoped I hadn’t been knocked out and this was all some kind of bizarre dream because that would suck.

Just then, Brad, Connor and Tristan strolled over to the pair of us, continuing to giggle.

“Nice one James!” Brad chuckled, patting him on the back.

“He’s not very good with the ladies!” Tristan explained to me, a sense of amusement in his voice. He shook his head at James in a joking manner.

I watched as James cheeks reddened and he gave his friends evil looks,

“Shut up…” He mumbled.

I glanced around at each of them individually in awe. My favourite band in the entire world was stood in front of me as though it was the most normal thing ever. I still don’t understand how it had happened. I just kept praying to myself that it wasn’t a hallucination.

“Oi guys, we’ve got to go to this interview now, or we’ll be late!” Connor announced, checking his phone for the time. I observed as all of their expressions turned from amused to panicked.

“Ah crap, we better hurry up then,” Brad replied, also checking his phone. Swiftly, he shot me a cute smile and winked before darting off, with Tristan and Connor following behind him. However James stood rooted to the spot, gazing at me.

“Listen, I am totally sorry about bumping into you… I should have been looking where I was going” He murmured, looking somewhat embarrassed.

“No, it was… err… my f-fault” I responded, trying to remain as calm and collected as possible. I didn’t want to scare him off with my inner fan-girl thoughts.

There was silence between us for a few moments as we merely gawked at one another. The tension was basically unbearable.

“Well… I better be off then” He said finally, breaking the silence and pointing behind him to where the other boys were walking off to. Once again, I nodded silently.

James then gave me a sweet grin and wandered over to his bandmates, who then disappeared into one of the many interview studios.

I stood absolutely still for a while, trying to comprehend the events that had just occurred. Had I really just met my favourite band? Had James and I just had a ‘moment’? I pictured the way he had been looking at me and concluded that was it. I smiled like a dork to myself.

However, I soon realised many people were staring at me strangely because I was in the middle of the lobby area, still surrounded in amongst a scattered array of folders. I had almost completely forgotten they were there.

As I crouched down and began to gather them together, I suddenly had an idea. The boys had entered the same interview room that I sometimes snuck into. Perhaps I could simply pretend I was giving someone a coffee so that I could go in there and secretly listen to their interview.

With this amazing idea engrained in my mind, I bundled the folders together hastily and left them pushed against a nearby wall. I then slowly paced towards the room and ever so slowly slipped inside… 

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