Chapter 8 - A Party

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The house in which the members of the Vamps lived was extraordinary and a lot bigger than I had expected it to be.

I had arrived at the party an hour early, in order to help James set up with the other boys. I couldn’t deny the fact that I was still overwhelmed by the fact James had asked me out when he had only been friends for a few weeks, but I wasn’t going to complain.

James was my first boyfriend. Some people say that it’s weird that I’m eighteen and am only just having my first boyfriend, but I don’t think it is. But this feels right and that’s all that matters.


“So, how many people are expected to come tonight?” I asked politely, pouring out snacks into individual bowls, whilst the five of us slumped around in the kitchen. They had kind of given up helping me, which was weird considering it was their party.

“Um… only about seventy people, I think” James shrugged casually, the other boys nodding in agreement. I was surprised to say the least. Seventy people didn’t like a lot for a party for a popular boyband.

“Yeah, we usually have much more but we have rehearsals early tomorrow morning, so we don’t want to get too wasted” Connor explained, leaning his elbows against the kitchen counter.

I had to admit that I was a little disappointed by their lack of reckless boyband attitudes. So far Brad was the only one who showed a little bit of mischief, the others were all very sensible and serious. Not that that was a bad thing, but it wasn’t exactly how I had expected them to be.


“Aw does little Condor need his beauty sleep?” Brad cooed, pinching his cheeks as though he was a baby. I gave him a smirk and laughed softly to myself. I then arranged the bowls of snacks I had just poured on the kitchen table, ready for when the guests arrived.

I noticed James was giving me a worried look for a second from the corner of my eye,

“Hey, what’s up?” I whispered, so that the other boys wouldn’t hear. They were too busy teasing Connor anyway. James blushed again and gazed down at the ground.


“I’m sorry I’m not like Brad...” He murmured, his gaze finally meeting mine. I frowned considerably and wondered what the hell he was talking about. I didn’t know what to say.

“What do you mean?”

James sighed, “I know I’m not funny or outgoing or even that interesting… and I just don’t want you to end up liking him more than me…” His tone got increasingly hushed, so that Brad couldn’t hear this.

I shook my head at him incredulously for a moment. How could he even think that? Did he think I was that shallow and horrible? But I soon remembered that everyone had their own insecurities, even big boyband members. It must be difficult for him to constantly be compared to his best friend.

So with this in mind, I did something unexpected. I pushed myself up on my tiptoes and gently pressed my lips against his. Out first kiss, and I had been the one to do it. I was actually quite amazed at myself because I had never been this forward before.

I watched James’ shocked expression as I pulled away and I smirked at him in satisfaction. That would show him that he was the only guy that I wanted.


I then realised, as I turned my head slightly, that the other three boys were gawking at us in surprise. I shrugged with an awkward smile on face,






A few hours later, the party was in full swing and I was enjoying myself more than I thought. I was never really that into parties, but I definitely didn’t regret attended this one, although, I certainly turned down dancing. I was an awful dance, plus I could face the embarrassment of everyone staring at me.

I was now standing in the kitchen on my own, because I had somehow lost James in amongst the crowds of people. I sat at the breakfast bar and nonchalantly snacked on the crisps I had laid out early. Suddenly a voice caused me to jolt,

“I can’t believe you did that early…”


I whipped round and saw that it was Brad, waggling his eyebrows at me.


“Did what?”


“You know… kissed James like that in front of us… it was sweet but really weird...“He admitted. I scrunched up my face in confusion as I wasn’t sure what he meant.


“Weird? How was it weird?”


“I don’t know… Jamesy is usually too shy to kiss girls… let alone in front of us” He shrugged, rummaging his hand in one of the other bowls of snacks and popping a breadstick into his mouth.

“Well, that’s why I kissed him” I grinned, secretly pleased with myself. Brad shot me his famous smirk once again and chuckled slightly.

“I think you may be having a bad influence on him”

Brad gave me one last look before exiting the kitchen, carrying the bowl of breadsticks with him. He definitely had a way of confusing me, because I had absolutely no idea what he was talking about. Me a bad influence? Maybe things really were changing. 

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