Chapter 9 - A Walk

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"The river is so pretty” I breathed as I watched the moonlight reflecting on the rippling water. It was a beautiful sight, not to mention romantic.

James and I had decided to go for an evening walk together. It beat being stuck in a crummy office all day anyway. However it had suddenly turned extremely dark, not that I minded though because it meant that James felt the need to hold my hand. It made me feel so safe and protected.

“I can’t believe it’s so dark” He said in disbelief, shaking his head, “It’s only 7 o’clock!”


It was nearly winter after all and the days were getting shorter and shorter, so it didn’t particular surprise me that it had gotten dark so quickly.

“I know!” I giggled, although I suddenly felt quite self-conscious because I could feel the palm of my hand getting sweaty as they were shoved inside his pocket, whilst still gripping his hand.


Despite the two of us being a couple for nearly two months now, I couldn’t stop myself from being slightly nervous around him. The butterflies that danced around in my stomach made me aware of that at all times.

“Maybe we should be heading back…” He suggested quietly, although I knew he didn’t actually want to. He was try to be a gentleman and didn’t want me to catch a cold.

I couldn’t help but let my face fall in disappointment because the time had flown by far too quickly. That past hour only felt like a minute, as cheesy as it sounds. I wanted to spend more time with him. I didn’t care about getting ill.

He rolled his eyes slightly at me and let out a sharp laugh,

Fine then, let’s keep going.”

I grinned in triumph and nudged my shoulder against his affectionately. I loved how I wrap him round my little finger so easily.


We strolled casually alongside the river for a short distance, simply enjoying each other’s company. However I suddenly began getting images in my head of someone jumping out of a bush and stabbing us to death. It was a very bizarre thought and I wasn’t exactly sure where it had come from. It did make me giggle to myself though.

Just then a loud bleeping noise disrupted the silence, making me practically jump out of my skin. James hastily pulled his phone from out of his pocket, unlatching his hand from mine, which I was quite displeased at.

“Err… hello?” He said, answering his mobile. I stood next to him patiently, switching my weight to and from each leg in boredom. I wanted to continue walking because I noticed the icy wind a lot more now that we had stopped.

“What? Oh man… I completely forget…” He groaned, slapping a hand to his face. I knew something bad had happened immediately. I suddenly felt quite guilty because James had evidently forgotten to be somewhere because of me. I was a terrible distraction.

I gulped and simply watched as a frustrated expression appeared on his handsome face,

“Right well… I’ll be there in a bit I suppose… Sorry mate… bye.”

James ended the call and shoved the phone back into his mobile rather angrily. I was quite hesitant to ask him what was wrong because I didn’t know how he would react. But I didn’t need to because he already answered for me.

“I missed rehearsals…” He grumbled, not reattaching our hands but simply shoving both of his into the pockets of his jeans. My hands began to feel colder from his missing warmth and I could do nothing but walk awkwardly beside him.

“W-was it my fault?” I questioned nervously, not being able to make eye contact with him.

“No, of course not” He frowned, “It’s just Brad… he’s been getting really touchy about missing rehearsals recently… don’t worry about it…”

But I was worried about it. I didn’t think it was the first time James had skipped arrangements with his band in order to spend time with me, especially when he used to visit me at the BBC building. Maybe Brad was right about what he had said at the party, perhaps I was becoming a bad influence on James.

“Are you going to go then?”

“Yeah… I guess I have to… but you can come with me if you like?” He smiled, his tension easing off a little bit.


I was definitely happy that he had invited me to come along to rehearsals with him, because I got to spend more time with him. Besides, the Vamps were still my favourite band and even though I was dating their guitarist, I couldn’t help but freak out inside knowing that I would get to see them perform live. I had dreamed about it for ages. I simply couldn’t wait.

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