Chapter 1

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All rights go to the amazing mind that is Cassandra Clare for all the characters in this story.

Clary's POV

I walked into my club and went straight behind the bar. I poured myself a drink. "Miss, I think you have business tonight." One of the bartenders told me. I looked over to the VIP section and saw my demons standing with two men. I took my drink and walked over. The two men looked up as I came over.

"Boys, what can I do for you tonight?" I asked sitting down on the seats. It was loud from the music blaring and I watched as people danced. My demons pushed the men to sit down. One man spoke.

"We want to... Um... Discuss some bus-business." He stuttered. I leant forward, my eyes turning black. I now knew that they were wolves. It was a gift of mine. Although I remember seeing these two men before. I soon realised that I was in business with them and their pack already. They staggered backwards in the seat, looking terrified. I laughed.

"Then we better go to my office." I said getting up. After my father died, I carried on his businesses and bought this club as a way of people knowing where to come if they wanted a job doing. For a price of course. My demons pulled the two men from their seats and held them by their shirts as they pushed them forwards to walk. I went to the back rooms of the club and walked into my office. I walked behind the desk and sat down, crossing my legs. My demons pushed the two men into the room. They were standing close together and kept looking wearily at the demons. "Leave us." I told them. They nodded and walked out the room. "Sit." I said to them two men. They walked to the seats in front of the desk and sat down. "Sorry about my demons. What can I say? They're protective." I sighed and looked at the two wolves. "What is this business then?" I asked.

"Well, we've been having some trouble with another wolf pack in the area. They're all over our turf, even killed one of our own."

"Your turf?" I asked.

"I mean yours of course. I know you only tolerate us, Miss." He said, looking at me wearily. It was as though he thought I would rip his head off if he said something wrong. Which actually could happen so couldn't blame him.

"This is the first I've heard about this new wolf pack. Then again I'm not surprised another pack has moved in. You're coming to me to sort out your problems. Can't even protect your own... Weakness." I said shaking my head. "But, we do have an agreement. I do tolerate you being here and that's our deal. This new pack didn't tell me they were moving into my territory. And so I will take care of it. Speaking of agreements. Do you have my money this month?"

"I'll get it to you by the end of the week." He said.

"Two days. Otherwise there won't be any wolf packs around here. Now, do you know where this pack is?" He nodded quickly.

"Yes,yes. They are living down at the marina. In a warehouse." He said. The other wolf had been quiet the whole time. I nodded my head.

"Like I said, two days. Now go." He nodded to me quickly again as he got up from his seat. He pulled his friend out the door, practically running. My demons walked back in. "One of you follow them. If they don't have my money in two days... Go in and kill them all." I said. The demons walked out. I was sitting at my desk, doing some work when someone knocked in the glass doors of my office. I saw it was one of the bartenders, Dimitri. I nodded my head for him to walk in.

"Someone here to see you. Says he's from the police department." I frowned.

"Send him in." I said. He walked back out and brought in another man. Dimitri closed the doors behind him as he left. I got up and walked around my desk. "Evening, officer. What can I do for you?" I said standing in front of him.

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