Chapter 5

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All rights go to the amazing mind that is Cassandra Clare for all the characters in this story.

Jace's POV

After coming home from the club last night, me, Alec and Isabelle all talked about asking Hodge if he wanted to see Clary again. None of us knew how it would go or what he would say but we thought we could give it a try. I got Isabelle and Alec from their rooms and we all walked down to the library where we had guessed Hodge would be. We walked in to find him at his desk, as usual. "Hey, Hodge." Isabelle said. He looked up. "We wanted to talk to you about something."

"Alright." He said, taking off his glasses and looking up at us.

"As you probably already know, we have been going back to see Clarissa." I said. Hodge gave me a look.

"She's not how you thought she was, Hodge." Isabelle told him.

"Why are you telling me this? It's your choice if you want to keep seeing her." He said.

"She is becoming a friend." Alec pointed out. "We came to ask if you would be willing to meet with her." Hodge looked up in surprise.

"She wants to see me again?" He asked.

"We think it would be good for you to see each other." I said, not mentioning that Clary hadn't actually agreed yet either. He looked to be contemplating.

"Okay, if she's up for it, so am I." He nodded. We all looked at him surprised.

"Really?" Alec asked. He nodded again.

"We used to be quite close. He father wasn't the loving kind and so she needed someone who was. For her that was me. But after Valentine started doing stuff to her, I left. I would want to see her again. If you say she isn't what I've been thinking she is, then yeah. I'd like to see her." We all nodded.

"We can go and visit her today. We'll talk to her about when she can come." I said. He nodded one last time before we all walked out the room.

"I wasn't expecting that." Isabelle said. "I didn't think he would say yes."

"Well, now we just have to go and speak to Clary." I said. We all walked out of the institute and made our way to the club.

Clary's POV

"Back so soon?" I asked him. I had come to the club early today and Jonathan had walked through the doors a few hours later.

"Well, I felt like our last meeting went well. And I feel it was also cut short." He said smiling as he walked over. He put his hands on my arms and pushed me so my back hit the bar. He's started to kiss me as he held down tightly on my arms. I desperately wanted him to stop.

"Jonathan." I said between breaths. "You're hurting me." I said, causing him to just hold down tighter. I moved my hands to his chest and pushed him away. I looked down to my arm, where he had been holding me. He laughed.

"What? Did I hurt you too much. Here's me thinking you liked pain." He said coming toward me again. Before he could touch me, I pushed him back again. He turned more serious.

"Stop. I'm not doing this anymore just to keep you happy." I said. "I don't feel like that about you Jonathan."

"Clary." He said, looking up at me. "Clary, I love you." This time I laughed.

"You're delusional, Jonathan. I won't keep doing this." His eyes turned black, trying to intimidate me. He turned around quickly and started to walk for the door. Before he got to the exit, the detective that had been visiting me walked inside. I looked to Jonathan and knew immediately what was about to happen. Before I could get to them, Jonathan grabbed the mans head and twisted. Snapping his neck. "No!" I shouted. Jonathan dropped the body to the ground and rushed out the door. I walked to the body and screamed in anger.

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