Chapter 7

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All rights go to the amazing mind that is Cassandra Clare for all the characters in this story. This carries on straight from the last chapter.

Jace's POV

"Don't." She said in a deadly voice. She brushed off the plaster from her hand, leaving the blood dripping from her, before just turning and walking away, back out into the party. I followed her out, wanting to go after her. She walked through the crowds. I stopped where I was as I saw her go straight over to that Dimitri guy, taking his hand. "Dance with me." I heard her say, smiling. He smiled back and took her waist. They started jumped up and down to the music, dancing sexily with each other. I scoffed before walking off towards the door. I was so pissed I just kept walking and left the building. Why couldn't she just admit it? Why couldn't she just tell the truth? I told her everything I was feeling and I don't do that. But I did for her. It was different with her. And she couldn't give anything back. She might be a bad person. Who does bad things. But I couldn't get her out of my mind. Even Alec and Isabelle knew everything she had done, knew she had demon blood running through her. But there was something about her that everyone loved. That was intoxicating to everyone else and it was like she couldn't see it. We knew who she was, we knew what we were getting ourselves into but it was like it didn't matter. I walked to the park, trying to clear my head.

Isabelle's POV

I had such a great time with Simon last night. I couldn't get that kiss out of my head. And I couldn't wait for our date tomorrow. I'm going to ask Clary to come and help me get ready for it. But right now everyone was still fussing about Jace. He hadn't come home last night, Hodge and Alec were slightly worried. We hadn't even really noticed until this morning but we were all trying to call him, seeing if he was alright.

Clary's POV

Isabelle had called this morning asking if I had seen Jace. Apparently he had just left the party without them and now nobody could find him. I told Isabelle I hadn't seen him since last night. When we got off the phone, I got ready and went out looking for him. I had guessed that he left after the argument we had, pissed off at me most likely. I was walking around for a while before I saw something shiny over by a park bench. I walked over and saw it was a seraph blade. More worryingly, it was covered it demon ichor. I looked around panicked before seeing a shadow in the distance. I started to run towards it. The closer I got was when I noticed the black clothes and golden hair. "Jace!" I yelled, running over. He didn't move. I made myself run faster until I was next to him. "Jace?" I asked as I turned him over. His face was covered in scratches and bruises. As I looked down to his body, his clothes were cut in some places and blood was splattered all around him. I went to his neck, checking for a pulse when I saw the small bites on him. Too small for demons but exactly right for vampires. I felt around his neck for some sort of movement and felt a small flutter. I sighed in relief. I knew he wouldn't make it back to the institute. I got my stele and drew an iratze on him. I waited for a few seconds and some of the wounds closed. I looked to his neck, seeing the bites not healing. I looked down at him. Contemplating what to do. I knew what I had to do to save him but it would probably reveal my biggest secret. On the other hand, I knew I didn't want Jace to die. I think I loved him. I got out my blade and looked around. Nobody was near us. I got the blade and cut my wrist open, putting it to his lips. My blood flowed into him. I pulled my wrist away and drew an iratze on myself. Then I took his hand and waited a few seconds. The bites began to heal and I smiled. I smiled for his life. I propped his head up on top of my lap and stroked his hair. He was okay. After a few minutes, I got up and walked to the wall of a building near us. I drew a portal rune and walked back to Jace. Pulling him through the portal. We came out in front of the institute. I went to Jace, making sure he was still alive. I may have healed him but he would still be very fragile for a few hours. I once again pulled him onto me. I got out my phone. "Isabelle?"

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