Chapter 2

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All rights go to the amazing mind that is Cassandra Clare for all the characters in this story.

Jace's POV

I got up and walked down to Alec's room. I knocked and waited for him to open the door. After a few seconds he came to the door already dressed, I saw Isabelle was with him. "Hey, you two ready to go speak to Hodge?" I asked.

"Yeah sure, let's go." Isabelle said getting up and walking out. Me and Alec followed her and walked down to the library. We walked inside and found Hodge sitting at his desk. He looked up as we walked over.

"Morning." Hodge said. He looked up at us.

"We wanted to talk to you about something." I said standing in front of his desk, Isabelle and Alec next to me.

"Okay." He said putting down the pen his was holding.

"I'm just going to get straight into it. We met this girl last night. We decided to go somewhere different from Pandemonium so we went to this other club, Serenity." Hodge shifted in his seat and took off his glasses, rubbing his eye slightly before putting them back on. "You know who we are talking about don't you? I can see you do." He looked up at me. "She told us that she knew you." He didn't speak for a second.

"Yes, I know who you're talking about. And I will tell you this once and once only, don't go back there. That's the only thing I'm willing to say on the subject." He said picking up is pen again.

"No. Sorry I won't except that. We have a right to know about another Shadowhunter living in out city. I can't believe you never told us." I said.

"That girl is dangerous. That place is dangerous."

"Well we know that. She has demons working for her. Just tell us what's going on, Hodge." Isabelle said. He sighed.

"We are going to have to know sometime." Alec said. "You know that you can't just leave us not knowing. That would be more dangerous." He sat there for a second before getting up and walking round the desk. He leant against the front of the desk and looked at us.

"I knew her when she was a lot younger. A child. I was good friends with her father. But he became... Deluded, he lost his way. That's when he injected his own children with the blood of demons." Isabelle gasped slightly.

"He did that to his own child?" She asked.

"He didn't see it as a bad thing. He saw it as a way of making them stronger. He saw it as a gift."

"Them?" I asked.

"Her and her brother." Hodge crossed his arms. "The girls name is Clarissa. Her brother is Jonathan. And their father was Valentine Morgenstern." We all looked at him in shock. "By injecting Clarissa and Jonathan with the demon blood, it changed them. In his eyes making them stronger. And I guess he was right in a way. With Jonathan, the blood changed him in ways that he was no longer himself. It took over, controlled him. Valentine found it hard to control him too. It was a sort of failure in his eyes. But then he did the same to Clarissa. Believing that she was stronger than her brother. I guess he was right because it didn't affect her like it did with Jonathan. She was able to control it. She could have even been good, a normal Shadowhunter but she decided not to be. She used the darkness to her ability. She learnt to control demons and make them do her work. They protect her, worship her. She became more powerful than any of us."

"Why are the clave not getting involved? Do they not know she's here?" I asked.

"No. They know exactly where she is. They tried to... Get her on our side, I guess you could say. It didn't work, she was too powerful and so eventually they just left her to her own devices. The clave even tried their own demon blood trials but each subject would either die from the demon blood or they would be changed like Jonathan. Uncontrollable. They stopped trying after 100 attempts. They finally came to the decision that too many subjects were dying. We are already a dying race and they do things like that." He shook his head slightly. I couldn't believe all of this.

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