Chapter 4

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All rights go to the amazing mind that is Cassandra Clare for all the characters in this story.

Jace's POV

We had spent five days in Idris like planned and were just about to leave to go home. Hodge, Maryse And Robert decided to stay because they wanted to keep Max in the academy. He gets a break from the academy in a couple of weeks and thats when they are coming back for a while. We were standing at the portal ready to go through. "We are trusting you to keep things up and running whilst we are away but if there are any problems then don't hesitate to call, okay?" Maryse said. We all nodded.

"We've done it before. We'll be fine." Alec said. She nodded.

"We'll see you soon then." Robert said. We turned around and faced the portal, stepping through. We came out in front of the institute. We all walked to the doors. Before we could get inside I heard someone call Isabelle's name. We all turned around and saw one of our fey contacts running over to us.

"Isabelle, where were you?" He said looking at our bags. "I've been coming here for days and I haven't seem anyone come in or out."

"We've been in Idris, Meliorn. What's wrong?" He frowned at us.

"You haven't heard?" He asked.

"Heard what?" I put my bags on the floor.

"There were a group of mundanes killed on Tuesday."

"Yeah? So?" I asked. Alec looked at me.

"Tuesday was the anniversary of the Accords." He looked back at Meliorn. "Is that why you've come to us?" He nodded.

"Yeah, all the downworlders are going a bit crazy trying to figure out if it was another downworlder who did it or if it might have been a demon... or even a Shadowhunter."

"Why does that matter?" Isabelle asked.

"Yeah, why is it so important? We don't normally get involved in mundane deaths unless they are clearly done by someone in the shadow world. How did the mundanes die?"

"It's matters because it was on the anniversary of day of the Accords and nobody knows how they were killed, that's why everyone's worrying." Me and Isabelle looked at each other confused. Then at Alec.

"Nobody is meant to kill on that day. It's the whole idea of the Accords. Peace. If someone did then they'll be in trouble." Alec explained.

"Everyone is going around looking for the one who did it. It didn't matter that they were mundanes that were killed just that someone from our world might have done it." Meliorn said.

"Thanks for telling us." Isabelle said. He nodded and walked away. We all picked up our bags and walked inside the institute.

"Well, I don't know about you but I think we need to pay a curtain Shadowhunter a visit." Alec said. I knew that he was talking about Clary.

"You think she did it?" I asked.

"I don't know. But it's worth going to visit." I nodded.

"We going now? Might be easier than when the club is packed."

"Alright. Let's go now then." Alec said. I nodded and we all walked back out the Institute to Clary's club. I was slightly worried about seeing her again. We left with no sort of warning or anything. And I had basically told her I would be seeing her the night I left and we never came back. Now I've been gone for five days. I didn't know what would happen. We got to the club and knocked on the doors. After a few seconds one of the demons opened it, looking at us. It felt strange not just killing it, having to be... Civil.

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