Chapter 3

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All rights go to the amazing mind that is Cassandra Clare for all the characters in this story.

Jace's POV

I got up and got changed ready to go and meet Clary this morning. After getting out the shower, I put on my fighting gear and added my weapons to my sheaths before leaving my room. I walked down stairs and heard a voice behind me.

"Jace?" Isabelle said. I turned round.

"Oh, hey." I said. She walked down the stairs towards me.

"Are you going out?" She asked.

"Yeah, I've got some stuff to do. Probably be gone all day. So see you later." I said turning around and walking again.

"Okay." Isabelle said confusedly. I walked out the institute and towards Serenity. When I got there, I went to the doors of the club and knocked. After a few seconds the door opened and Clary was standing at the door. She was also wearing a Shadowhunter fighting outfit. She walked outside and locked the doors behind her.

"Ready to go?" She asked. I nodded.

"Where exactly are we going?" I asked following her. We walked over to a black Mercedes and Clary got in. Of course she has a car. I got in the passenger.

"First, we are going to see the local wolf pack. We have some business."

"What type of business?" She looked at me.

"Aren't you the curious cat." She smirked. It was kinda sexy. Clary stopped the car when we came to a run down Chinese restaurant. We got out and walked around the back of the building. All the wolves were there sitting around a table. They all stood up as they saw us. "Hello boys." She said stopping in front of them. I'd seen some of them before. They nodded their heads down slightly. As if not wanting to look at her the wrong way. "Thought I would deal with this one personally. Do you have my money?" She asked. I frowned slightly.

"Uh... Yes, yes." The leader babbled. He got a brown envelope from the table and handed it to her. She opened it up and flicked through the notes. I didn't know much about mundane money but I knew that what they had given her was a big sum.

"Well, isn't it great that this went so smoothly." She smirked. She closed the envelope and held it. "Do you have anything else to report to me?" She asked. I once again frowned. I had no idea what was going on. I was also confused as to why this pack was so scared of her. They had been fearless when we had once met them. They weren't scared like this.

"No, there hasn't been anything new that we know of." He said. Clary nodded.

"Wonderful. Well, see you next month." She smiled before walking away. We both walked back to the car.

"What the hell was all that about?" I asked. She reversed the car and started driving again.

"Well, like I said, it went a lot more smoothly than I thought. I honestly didn't think they would come up with the money."

"Why were they paying you money anyway?" I asked.

"When new downworlders move into this city, I know about it. When they come here, I go and visit them. I make sure that everyone mostly lives peacefully. Unless I say otherwise. I go to any new comers and make deals."

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