Chapter 1

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My feet are wet as I'm taking every splash in this goddamned city. I can't catch my breath as I'm running so quickly. And I don't even see through the tears in my eyes and the darkness around me. But I don't care. I don't give a shit about anything but to get there. To get there in time. I'm praying to God for the first time in my life.

Blank, nothing.

Huge iron doors appear in front of me. I'm taking the stairs by two and then I finally turn at the corner.


His body lays in front of me. I'm holding him in my arms, shaking him to wake up. But he doesn't. He never will. And I killed him.

I catch the breath suddenly. I'm soaking wet and shaking.

Darkness. My bed. My pictures. I finally recognize my room. It was just a nightmare, I keep telling myself.  I take a while to calm down and then slowly stand up. I sit in the corner in front of my window as I try to forget. Forget these memories.

                                                                                 (Another morning)

I'm walking to my school , listening to the new album by my fav artist and watching my schoolmates. How they are talking and laughing. They do it every day and still have so much to tell. How empty their conversation have to be, though? They discuss what they ate yesterday or which boy looked at which girl, how difficult exams await them, which tutorage they've had, and still know nothing, as if there was another option than to get 100%.

I feel like I don't belong here, although it isn't new feeling I still think about it .For God's sake, how did I get here? How I became this person ? My whole life I feel like I'm living someone else's life. The life I don't even want. And I only watch.

But, it's morning, the another hard day is waiting for me so I don't want to think about such things.

Today is suprisingly nice and dry weather, what is really unusual for London. So people are even more exited and want to enjoy it as much as possible. I don't mind chilly weather at all. I love when it's raining and I love the smell of the rain. I feel like it liberates me, washes away all the bad. When I am walking then, streets are always empty as the whole city dies down. People hide before rain and curse it because it always brings cold, wet and wind. But I think the rain is actually misunderstood. Like me. Nobody realizes that it is its role. There is so much strenght and anger within. But if the sun shone the whole year, people would begin to take it as a matter of course and later curse it too. That rain gives us the joy of nice weather. And I'm sorry it's so underrated.

I finally come to my locker and choose books for today.

"Hi Em." Abby greets me. She is one of the few people that I couldn't snub with sarcasm. And I'm really good in it.

"So it's over." She says in a bored tone as she is curling her hair up the finger and I raise an eyebrow as I don't get it. "With Paul."

"Really?" I say since a few days ago it seemed like she couldn't live without him.

"Yeah, he was a dick anyway."She rolls her eyes. "But I heard we have a new classmate."

"And?" I ask her.

"I don't know." She says in this lazy sound. "You tell me." Then she winks at me.

I roll my eyes at her. These are not the things I am able to listen to at eight a.m. Or at any time ever. These properties just make him to be a jerk. But it finally rings so I can go to my class. I see Abby as she reaches me I can't help but smile. She smiles as well and prods me to ribs. When we finally come to the class I find a chair in the back and Abby sits in front of me. I dive into the chair, preparing myself for the next boring day in this hell. Suddenly, someone next to me moves a chair and sits.


I hope you guys enjoy my story :)

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