Chapter 10

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I come to Matt, on Saturday evening. It looks different than it did at the party. More familiar and cosy. On the left starts a kitchen that I remember from the party.

Matt looks very pleased when he says, „Can we start right away, beauty?"

„Yeah, so we're done asap." I sigh.

„You look extremely exited. Well, I am." I follow him up the stairs and then to the door on the left. I enter what I suppose is his room. The room gives you a boyish feeling. With all that mess and scattered clothes and baseball gloves. On the corner is a huge couch and a table with a deck of cards.

So I sit on the couch and Matt sits on the opposite side.

„Have you ever played poker?"

„A few times." I answer indefinitely. Actually, I love poker. We used to play it at the mines and I was pretty good at it.

„So...If we choose truth, we have to answer just any question. Truly. If we don't want to answer, we choose dare and take off one piece of clothes."

I nod. He gives away the cards and we start the first round. We are silent for the whole time. Just stare in each other's eyes till the last unloaded card and then we show our cards. I have straight and he has two pair. So I win! With a grin across my face I look up on Matt.

„Time for the first question." While I'm thinking, Matt waits patiently. I have a few questions I'd like to hear about, but I decided to start with something easy. „Who else lives in this house?" I noticed that there's a lot of rooms, actually. So I doubt that he lives alone.

„Me and my two brothers. We are from Slough. Erick, my youngest broher, started going on a high school near here. So I and Patrick, the middle brother, decided to tranfer and move in here." That was a fair answer but of course I noticed that he didn't mentioned his parents, not at all.

I take the cards and mix them for the next round, that I unfortunately lose. Matt is thinking for a moment and then asks, „How are your parents. What are they like?" I don't know why he wants to know that. But I am for sure not taking anything off after the first round, so I answer.   

„Not the best, actually. They think, that they know everything the best and they never ask for my opinion. They have my whole future planned out for me. Every last detail, not bothering if I even want it. They are interested only in public ranks and money. They don't give a damn about me, just about what they can use me for. They're at home only when they need to sleep. And maybe for a next few minutes just to scold me. But I got used to it in all those years. I try to not bother with them and live another life."

He just nods and then we start another round, which I lose again.

„I think you are warm enough." He says spitefully and asks a question I really didn't expect. „Are you a virgin?" I choke a bit. I am not, not for some time. But I don't want him to know that. It's none of his business. I look at my clothes and decide to take off my cardigan. I stay only in a black tank top and curse myself why I didn't put on at least one more layer.

„Interesting." I don't know what exactly he means. Next round I finally win.

„A name of a girl that you like." Deep down, I am really curious, but as I expected, he doesn't answer and takes off his shirt istead. I catch a sight of his tattos but I remind myself that I need to focus right now.

The next round I win as well. It's my turn to ask a question but I don't even know if I rather want to know the answer or I want him to take off the next piece. So I blurt out the first thing that comes to my mind. „Have you been in love?" I look in his eyes and wait. His pupils narrow as he's reminiscing.

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