Chapter 18

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I'm standing in the middle of a welcoming salle where there's a changing room and reception and on its end a huge door to the main salle where the ball's taking place. Many people are rushing around, but they're still mostly waiters and organizators only as the guests should come in half hour. I'm waiting for Matt who went to park the car and then took our coats.

„Finally! You were supposed to be here at six and now it is-" mum looks at a watch as she approaches me, „it's almost six ten!" Exactly, we are late for seven minutes, I think sarcastically and roll my eyes.

She's dressed in dark blue satin dress, that are close-fitting and highlighting her fair hair.

„But, don't worry. Dad's in the salle." She starts draging me forward. „Come, I need to introduce you to so many people. Even the sir Terrel is here and his son should come any minute, you remeber Tony. And you also have to-" she finally notices that I'm not following her so she stops and looks at me slowly.

„Why aren't you going?"

„I'm waiting here for somebody." I say slowly, as I thought she knows.

„For who?" She says even more lost.

„For my partner obviously."

„You... really? I just thought that... that you didn't really mean it."

I finally see a Matt in the door so I walk to him as I say to my mum, „Well, you were wrong."

As I reach him I whisper to him: just play along. I hang onto his arm, unnaturally close and when I turn to my mum I grin the biggest smile. She has no idea that all of this is fake but Matt knows it very well.

„Mum, this is Matt. Matt, this is my mother Amanda Wells."

„Mrs. Wells, it's so nice to meet you." He says super politely that we both need to resist smiling.

„Nice to meet you too." But she couldn't hide that bitterness in her voice. „Now, please excuse me, I need to deal with a few things." Then she left.

Well, that wasn't a bad start, at least I surprised and pissed her off. I look at Matt and we both laugh.

We enter the big salle and it really amazes me. Even though I've seen it before, it wasn't like this, tonight not just the decoration is grandious but the whole atmosphere is different. I don't support the idea of this event and I deprecate these people but I gotta admit that all of this has a spark. There are tables on the whole grit, decorated and ready. In the background on the small stage is a live music and opposite us I notice a table with champagnes where we go first.

„So we survive tonight." I tell him as a small toast and turn the liquid down my throat. In the corner of my eyes I see him smiling and also drinking the glass in one sip.

We're standing in the corner watching people slowly arriving. My parents of course welcome everyone with a bright smile and receive various gifts. We  laugh at some outfits and I have to admit that Matt knows how to point out the best details so he makes it freaking hard for me not to burst into laughter.
Well, it might not be that bad at all. If it continues like this, I will maybe even enjoy this evening.

I thought this till the moment Tony appears in the doors. Despite tha fact that the last time I saw him and met him was when we were kids, I immediately knew it's him. The most selfish and self-cencred man in the world. His black hair is so sleek and shiny, with every hair on it's place. Tuxedo handmade right for him and on his hand watch so big that it had to cost thousands. He has this steaky grin on his face thinking that he owns this world and other people are nothing.

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