Chapter 4

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In the moment when the door opens, a big compact body hits me. My whole coffee spills on my clothes and scalds my hands. I whoop surprised at the pain.

„Shit, are you freaking blind?!" I swear. I step back and the boy starts to apologize quickly. I have, or at least had a light hoodie and skinny jeans. We lift up our heads and I remain in a complete shock.

„Emily, right?" Matt starts. He has repenting expression but I see a joy in his eyes which just annoys me even more. „I am so sorry. Can I help you somehow?"

„You could use your eyes." I say sarcastically. I turn to throw away my now empty cup, don't bother to look back and head to the park. I take off the dirty hoodie and thank God it isn't so obvious on my dark jeans. I walk really quickly 'cause I feel like he's following me but I resist turning back. When I enter the park I head to my usual spot. I twist among trees and know that by now I have surely got rid of him. Not that I would know that he is actually following me. On the most backward place, on a small hill among trees I see Logan. I'm delighted that he is here. Well, I always suppose he is here since he spends a very little time at his lodgings and his school is also close. 

It's interesting how different we are but with the same troubles. We watch passing strangers and laugh at them. Or we just sit in a complete silence. He doesn't mind the silence like most of the people. What is great 'cause I think that silence can tell more than empty talks. And people love empty talks. You know that feeling when there is suddenly silence in society. That "awkward silence" when you feel like you have to say something. No one cares how big bullshit it actually is. Important is that you're talking. I think that, what if in silence, people's thoughts start to speak. And no one wants to hear that. They are full of jealousy and hypocrisy. 

„Hi Logan!" I shout as I'm walking between trees up.

„Hi Ema-" he turns to me, „what the hell happened to you?" He looks surprised at my clothes.

„One asshole bumped into me while I was leaving Westfield and I spilled my coffee all over me." He smiles but I give him an angry gaze. I don't feel like joking. I lean on the closest tree.

„Okay, something else why you have this brilliant mood?" He prods me to ribs. Of course that he feels that there is also something else. I feel it too. I just can't put it into words.
I prods him back.

„Why you always have to-"

„Hey! Get off her, immediately!"  Familiar male voice shouts. I turn and see Matt coming to us. I walk a few step in his direction so I stand between him and Logan. I don't know what's going on and why he shouted.
„If you bother her one more time..." Matt starts when he reaches our position.

In the corner of my eye I see how Logan accedes me and says, „He's that asshole?"

„Yeah." I say in Matt's direction and fold my arms across my chest. Matt looks at me and then at Logan, little confused.

„You two know each other?" He asks and then I get it. He probably though that Logan is some stranger bothering me. Though it should flatter me that he was worried about me, it has different effect.

„Yes, we do. Tho, it's none of your bussiness. And if someone bothers me, I can take care of myself."

„No doubt. I just want to apologize for the coffee accident. And invite you to another." He throws that smile, which melts every gilr 's heart.

„I have enought coffee for today. Just try to use your eyes and now you can leave." I think I see a bit of surprise in his eyes, as if he isn't used to such reactions.

„Okey, I'm going. So see you at school tomorrow." He winks and finally leaves.

When we are finally alone, I sit and put off my long-sleeved T-shirt, because it hurts so I stay just in a black tank top. When I see my hands I gasp at the view. My wrists are burnt, all red and with many blisters. Logan gives me his jacket to cover in this chilly weather and I also wet my T-shirt and put it on my hands. It provides me a bit of a relief.

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