Chapter 19

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„You look stunning tonight." Tony says as we start dancing and I'm trying to keep as much distance between us as possible.

„Thanks." I say absently and he chuckles.

He asks me a few more things on which I give him pretty short answers. Even though I still feel alert, the first emotions of fear and disgust are slowly fading away.

In the crowd of people dancing around us I suddenly see a familiar figure. Matt. Matt dancing with some made-up blonde girl that looks only a bit older than me. People are moving quickly so I don't have a chance to look at them for more than a second but I'm sure it's him. I'm also sure he wants me to see him. And even though that I know I shouldn't care at all, deep down it hurts me to see him like this. Next to a comletely different girl and with that smile of his that every girl falls for. I thought that he doesn't like things and girls like this anymore, so why is he doing this. Maybe she just asked him for a dance, which I understand, but that wouldn't stop him either from refusing. So I'm telling myself not to think about it.

„You don't like making new friendships, do you?" Tony remarks. I guess, he supposes this 'cause I say only what's necessary and now I even frown.

„I'm ok with those that I already have."

„Like him." He says in a sleazy voice and even though he doesn't say his name I know he means Matt.

„For instance."

His face is full of scorn and he also raises one eyebrow doubtfully.

„What?" I know that he has to think awful things about Matt, but even though I feel hurt now, I would never let anybody say bad things about him when they don't really know him.

„Nothing." And that smirk again. Maybe it's better that he doesn't say anything so I just roll my eyes.

„Come with me." He grabs my arm and drags me away. It was so sudden that I didn't have time to react and I realize only when we are standing in the welcoming salle next to the reception.

„What are you doing?"

„I just think that you can reach for more." He still holds my arm and continues to drag me. I don't understand what's his point. We enter the door next to the one with dressing room.  There is another long aisle lit by soft light and with many other doors on the sides that are used as toilletes or storage for the staff. I try to stop 'cause I don't know where are we going but he is dragging me too tight to do anything.

„Tony! Stop, what the hell?" I repeat but he doesn't answer. I try to wangle my arm out. He chooses one door at the very end, shoves me inside and switches on the light as he locks the door. This all took less than a minute and just now I realize that we weren't going out or to meet somebody.

I quickly observe the room, there is some cleaning stuff, a few shelves and a sink.

„What the fuck are you doing? I want to go back. Immediately!" I say in as calm voice as possible. I don't think he would be able to do something to me. I knew him when we were kids, afraid of everything. He is also the judge's son - diplomatic and with a good name. He might be an asshole but not an agressive type of asshole. But I still don't want to be alone with him.

„As I said already. You can do better than him."

„I don't know what you are talking about."

„Oh, come on.." He steps closer. „Obviously, you open your legs for any wretch. So why not me?" In this moment my heart drops. Million of different things blow my mind but I know that I need to get out of here, right now. My heartbeat speeds up but I try to keep my mind clear.

I step towards the door but Tony gets into my way. I try it again, slowly to keep him calm, but he just laughs.

„If you don't move away, right now, I'm gonna kick that snobbish ass of yours."

He cups my cheeks in one hand, „you have mouth full of sassy words," then he kisses me. Well, he tried to till I immediately pull away, full of disgust. His lips are cold and sharp, completely different than.... than Matt's.

„How dare you?" Now I scream, either to scare him or someone to hear me.

He comes closer again and tries to kiss me as I hit his chest. I try to pull away but he grabs me by my hips, locking my arms and pulls me way too close making it almost impossible for me to move. I swing my head from side to side furiously, so I can get at least some space away.

„Let me be! Let me go right now!"

„It's pointless for you to scream. There is loud music playing in the salle and we walked at least three aisles. No one can find you. So try to at least enjoy it." I don't know what I thought, but I wasn't expecting this. But in this second I finally realized what he is about to do. I stop breathing as my heart drops once again. I was wrong about him, he is able to hurt me and he is also going to. It feels like there is nothing I can do about it. My eyes fill with tears of fear, my breath quickens as he traces to kiss my neck. My mind wanders to every direction possible. He moves his hand from hip across my stomach and cups my breast but then I manage to lift my leg and kick him in the shine with all my strenght that makes him stumble backwards.

„You bitch!" He shouts as he bends over to his shine.

I use the moment of surprise and run to the door. The room is just too small and Tony quickly tautens his arm and catches me. But now he pushes me way too hard so I lose my balance. I stumble and as I'm falling to the ground I hit the sink with my head. It mutters in my head and dims in front of my eyes.

It takes me a few second to take the pain. I'm lying on the ground, trying to get out of this mist and I feel Tony standing up and leaning over me.

„Well, now I have you on the back." He kneels next to me and traces his hand up my leg. I try to stop him, to do something, kick or move, but my body doesn't listen so everything turns out as a weak move.

„Tony, don't .... please." I breath heavily. I'm scared. Scared like I've never been before. I feel a tear drops down my face. My body is full of disgust. Tony pulls the dress lower so he opens up my bra as he sits over me. He loosens his tie and unbuttons the shirt and then grabs both my wrist in one hand and pins them above my head in a very painful angle.

„And now, we are going to enjoy it hard."

I'm trying, I really am to collect every last piece of strenght I have left. With every move with arms, a sharp pain shoots into my back, I can't move my legs as he's sitting on them and my head pounds painfuly. There are still stars in front of my eyes and every shout turns out as a sob. He rolls up the skirt and starts to unbutton his belt. I don't want this, that's all I can think about. I try to built guards around my mind as the last chance I see. And, maybe you would think that I'm thinking about all af the worst consequencies such as physical and mental health, but right now, in this moment all I can think about are the smallest stupid things. Like, I won't be albe to look in my mum's eyes, I will never tell my kids bout this ball, I will never be able to watch some films.


I hope you guys enjoy my story :)

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