Chapter 12

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„Matt!" I hear in the distance. „Matt!" Again, but louder this time, slowly waking me up. I feel huge arms moving around me and pulling me closer. When I open my arms, Matt is next to me, slowly waking up as well. „Hi, beauty." Says with hoarse voice

„Good mo-"

„Hey, Matt! Wake up!" Erick rushes in, shouting and immediately opening his mouth form surprise when he sees me. I want to disappear right now. I quickly pull up a sheet, naked underneath.

„Erick, fuck off, now." Matt says still in a sleepy voice.

„Sorry. Pretend, as if I wasn't here." Then he backs out quickly, closing the door.

„Kill me please." I hide under the sheet.

„I'm sorry." He slips next to me and kisses me. I have to laugh at this whole situation. „What's so funny?"

„Everything. I mean, I've been in this room for two times. And exactly two times we slept together and your brothers caught us."

„So you should come more often." He teasingly raises eyebrows and I turn to the other side to look at the time on my phone. It's just 6:30 and school starts at 8:00 so even with the fifteen minutes ride, we still have time. Matt moves over me, turning my head to him. „Maybe... we can increase the number."

„I don't want your brothers to rush here again."

„I meant the other number." He says, kissing my jaw and neck. Smiling, I turn us over so I'm sitting astride on him. His eyes sparkling.

„We have fifteen minutes." I say as the winning grin appears on his beautiful face.

I leave right after and stop at home to change.

First class I have with Abby and I'm little late. As I sit down at the desk Abby looks at me curiously. Fortunately, we are busy through the whole class so she doesn't have time for her questions.

The whole time I'm thinking about what to think. I had to stop pretending that I'm completely resistant to Matt, a long time ago. I don't mind sleeping with hun, but there is that little voice in my head that reminds to keep it that way. I don't want anything else. I don't belive in love or happy endings. This way it'll satisfy both of us and no one gets hurt.

I'm also planning to talk with Abby only after school, alone.

Other classes I'm on the opposite side of the school than both of them so, safe time for me. But when I come after school to my locker I find Abby and Matt in a wild conversation. So that's for my talking with them one by one.

„Hi, there." I start carefully. Matt turns and kisses me, letting me confused. I'd say this doesn't exactly belong among open-relationship's rules.

„Hi." He says against my lips.

„Well...ok. I better get going, text me when you finish." Says Abby, leaving.

„I will, bye." I say and then I dig into my locker and Matt leans next to me.

„What are you doing after school?"

„I'm going home and then I'll probably visit Logan at the park."

„By the way, how do you know-"

„Matt! Finally. I've been looking for you everywhere." Karin shows up at the corner, wearing knee-socks and high-heels along with extended white sweater that hardly reaches her tights. Not a Mean Girls scene at all. "Mr. Brown is looking for you. I should take you to him." She says in a high voice, hanging on Matt.

I feel a sting in my heart, sharp pain that suprises me. It's almost like an act of jealousy and I completely hate that fact. Hate that something like this can bother me. I don't want to be here anymore so I quickly close the locker and say, „I'm leaving."

„Finally." I just roll my eyes at her remark and get going. Matt pulls out his arm from her grip, reaching me and subsequently kissing me.

„Bye, beauty." He winks at me. The look on Karin's face is worth everything. Jaw dropped on the floor and full of surprise. I can't resist smiling under my nose.

I visited Logan in the afternoon. We sat on a bench and watched kids playing around with that bit of already fallen snow. „Look at that kids." Logan nods his head at their direction. „They believe that world is a fairytale. That all of their dreams can come true. Isn't it bad and unfair? ...To keep them in such ignorance. Just so they can grow up one day and find out that world is actually fucked up place full of unfulfilled dreams?!"

„No. Because that's the only thing that will remain for us. That keeps us in hope, even though it's fake. These dreams help us survive the adulthood, being the last good and pure thing in our worlds."

„I'm jealous of them."

„Me too."


I hope you guys enjoy my story :)

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