Chapter 3

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The next day is almost over, boring as always. I don't have any classes with Ab today so we have to meet at the end of the day. As I am walking to my locker I realize that I didn't meet even the new Matt today. Not that I would be thinking about it. I am rather glad – he probably fucked off already. Someone rushes around me and I suddenly stand in front of Matt with smile from ear to ear. Why the hell I mentioned him?!

„Hi." Hse starts. I raise an eyebrow skeptically. I see a joy in his eyes. „I just want to ask you something. I think if you –"

„Matt, so here you are!" Someone suddenly screams with stiltedly high voice. The bunch of "school stars" is coming from the other end of the corridor. Four peroxide blondes on so high heels that even my head turns. They wear mini skirts and those things. On one side I hate these girls so much. They are just jealous bitches. But on the other side I feel sorry for them, 'cause that's all they've ever known, they were raised in this way, so it isn't their fault after all.
When they approach us they don't even bother to look at me – which is normal. They start sticking on Matt, touching him all over and laughing unnaturally. I can clearly see that it's nothing unusual for him so I just roll my eyes, disgusted, and leave.

„Hi Abby." I say her when I finally come to our lockers.

„Hi Em. How was your day ? You look pretty disgusted."

„I was at school - how else I am supposed to look like?! And moreover I've just met the new Matt." 

"Yeah, I saw him today but didn't get a chance to talk." 

"Me either." 

"Oh, my mum's gonna kill me. I failed another test. I just don't fucking understand that algebra."

"That's why you dated Paul." 

"Yeah, I know. But I can't get back to him because of a bad grade." She smiles but it seems like she is really thinking about that for a second. 

"Geez, no you can't obviously." 

"Maybe Matt is good at algebra." She says thoughtfully as she stretches the bubble gum around her black painted nail. 

We get into the car because I'm taking her home, like I usually do. 

I roll the roof of the car down and turn the radio on. After fifteen minutes I already park before her house. They live in a calm neighborhood, full of classical brick houses. I like it much more than ours.

Her father rakes foliage in front of a house and when he sees us he smiles.
„Hi Emily. Why don't you come in ?" He greets me with wave and asks me.

„Hello, Mr. Becker. I'm sorry but I gotta go home. Maybe next time." I smile apologeticly and wave Abby bye.

I'm going by ring road to home. Though it's longer way I prefer it more and I also skip traffic jam. I like to drive my car, roof down and the radio on. I forget about my problems for a while and I feel free. Like I am able to do anything. Like I could anything. So I play my playlist and enjoy the wind in my hair. When I come home I see mum's car in the garage. I'm surprised that she's at home so early, even though we are supposed to hang out today. She usually ends up reasoning she has too much work and we go just to the nearest cafeteria where she calls the whole time. I sigh at the thought about what's ahead of me today and walk inside. Mum's on her phone so I go to the kitchen to grab something to eat.

I am looking through some meal when mum comes. „What are you doing?" She asks surprised. Well, how does it look like?

„I'm grabbing something to eat. I haven't eaten all day."

„But I though that we are having a girl evening. First we eat, then some shopping and coffee at the end, huh?"

„Ok," I close the refrigerator and turn to her, „Well, I though that you have a lot of work and we will go just to the cafeteria. As always."

She sighs. „Honey, I know that sometimes it's that way. And I'm really sorry. It's just that your father and I have too much work. But you have to understand that we do it all for you." I used to believe it. I really did, till I found out it's just their silly excuses to cover what parents they truly are. „But I'm free for tonight so we can get going." There is a slur in her eyes which I don't want to face so I agree.

„Sure, shopping sounds good. I need to change and we can leave."

About an half hour later we have ordered food in a restaurant in the center.

„So how is school? Do you like the classes you chose?" I know where she is going. This year we chose subjects for wider fixation. They are supposed to help us with acceptance to a college. I chose management of tourism and journalism which my parents apparently don't like.

„Of course that I enjoy them. That's why I chose them." I look in her eyes so she knows that I know what's her point.

„Well, that's good." She tilts eyes and stops. I don't tease either, 'cause I don't feel like having this conversation now. And furthermore I'm starving. The rest of the time we talk about basic things with one-word answers but it's enough for both of us.

After food we move to Westfield - shopping center. I really like shopping. I love fashion, its variability and choices it provides. I wear mostly dark and simply colors tho. But it's amazing how you can transform nothing to something interesting. Shopping is also one of a few things that mum and I have in common. But it ends here. She dresses only tight costumes and blouses. Without even a bit of creativity.

First we go to her classic boutique where even the banner is grey. I feel like they sell the same thing - grey pants, white blouse and grey blazer - just on hundreds hangers. Later on we continue in more normal shops where mum and I try different things, rate it and even laugh together. I like it but in that moment mum's phone rings and she dives into a deep conversation. My smile fades away and we go to the cafeteria opposite. I don't have to be a fortune-teller to know that this will last a few hours. So I order one coffee to go and whisper her that I'm going on a walk. She has already opened her notes and is writing pretty frantically so for next hours she won't even know she has a daughter.

I lost my cheer to shop so I walk to a back exit. About two blocks away there is a small park where I head.


I hope you guys enjoy my story :)

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