Chapter 5

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After probably ten minutes someone steps in. I quickly put legs down and turn to face .....Matt. Matt is standing in the door and my heart stops for a while. He's wearing black jeans low on his hips and white T-shirt that draws every line of his muscles. The anger exchanges shock.

„What are you doing here?"

„Well, I though if you can help me with some..." he looks at the book he is holding, "English literature apparently, and stop running away from me to talk to you."

I open my mouth slightly, surprised. „First of all, I am not running away from you. Second, I just don't want to talk with you. And last, so you're saying that it's because of you, why I'm here to tutor you ?!"

„Yeah. But Mr. Smith thinks so too, since I'm new here. So I chose you. He didn't like my idea at first, I'm curious why -" he says taunting „- but he accepted it." He says with smirk on his face and I feel like killing him in this moment. I am not sure what else he can do so I won't kill him now. Instead, I roll my eyes and make my best fake smile.

„Well then, successful tutoring." 

He sits on a chair next to me and takes my headphones out.

„So let's move right to it. What's wrong with you? Do we know each other?" He asks carefully and I hear a bit of panic in his voice. He probably thinks I'm some crazy ex or whatever.

„We for sure don't know each other. And there's nothing wrong with me. I'm just not all over you the second I see you."

„Are you sure?" He smirks.

„Unfortunately." I fake next smile.

„I mean, I understand that not everyone is attracted to opposite gender." He says and lifts up his hands in defence. His eyes still smiling.

„You think I'm a lesbian? That can't be true! I am not a lesbian, I like boys, just not like you."

"What about me?"

"Jerks like you." He just smiles.

„Can I look at your hands? I'm really sorry about it." Suddenly there is a grief in his eyes. I have to admit that he changes moods oftener than anybody else. I hardly keep up with him.

„It wasn't only your fault. And I told you it's okay." He doesn't move his gaze so I sight defeated and show him my hands. They look worse than I expect. It's seen they are burnt, from thumb up to wrist and further.
„See? It's ok." 

„I also want to ask if you'll come to my party next Friday?" He's still studying my hands so I pull them down as I say „No."


„Just because."

„Oh, come on. It's just one party. As my welcoming. We can get to know each other better." Last sentence he says in a deeper voice and I chuckle.

„That's the last thing I want to do. I just want you to let me be."

„If I tell you, I will let you be and won't spill coffee on you anymore... will you come?"

„Wait, what? No!"

„Okey, we can stay here everyday." He put his legs on a desk too.

„And if I come, will you completely let me be?"


I sigh in defeat. „Okey then, I'll come."

„Awesome. So on Friday at seven. I'll text you the address."
I think about how? He doesn't know my number or anything. But it's his problem, which I have no intention on solving. He stands and starts walking to the doors but as I'm not following him, he turns and says, „What are you waiting for? Tutoring's just ended." I want to be at home so I follow him.

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