Chapter 15

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I came earlier so I have time to look around. It's an adress of some theater, that I've never heard of. It lays in an suburban area of London, on a completely fotgotten place. On the first sight it seems to be ramshackle, but when I look closer it's pretty well-preserved. It's a huge building, probably two-floors, with tipically faint grey color that's visible under ivy that creeps on the walls. It has a cupola type of roof and a big double-wing wooden door, with a soft glass at the entrance.

I wasn't sure if I was lost, or Emily confound the adress. I mean, what are we gonna do in here? After a while, I decided to try it after all, walk up the small stairs covered up in snow, that leads to the door and enter.

I find myself in a big welcoming sale, where red carpet on old wooden parquets stretches through. It looks like from the last century, giving the old look but actually is well maintained and clear. There is a great crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling and on one side of the room, a long desk that was probably used as a reception. The salle is light up in a yellow color and through the windows it slightly blows. I was wondering which door should I open first when suddenly I hear a noice, it was like a music, playing from the room opposite.

I walk up the red carpet to the opposite side of the room and open next wooden double-wing door, appearing in another grand salle. I'm standing on the top of a balcony and opposite me a bit lower, there lays a stage and between it and me, even lower, there is an auditorium made of seats tapestried with red velvet. The view from up here is just breathtaking, everything looks so old but at the same time very precious and grandious. It reminds me of old London times, when they used to play Shakespear's plays for higher elite. It doesn't blow in there and it's surprisingly warm as it is heating up. Two staircases lead from the both sides of the balcony and as I'm walking down one of it I think that there is space for at least three hundred people.

How could I not hear about this? How is it that there aren't hundreds of people admiring this beauty? When I step down I recognize the noice, as I hear it louder now. It is a piano playing from the stage. I'm not sure if someone is actually playing it or if it's just playing from some radio because the curtain is down so I can't see.

I step up on the stage and come to the back where again, I'm left speechless. There is a piano in the corner and Emily sitting behind it, playing a beautiful sonata full of emotions, feeling it all. I didn't know that she knows how to play nor that she is this good. The music makes goose-bumps all over my body as she is playing with her eyes closed and her fingers run over the whole piano, changing the pace as the sonate graduates. Then she plays the last note and breathes out as she opens her eyes and I would bet that they shine. She lifts up her head and sees me, gasping and yanking from surprise.

„What are you doing here?" She says in reserved voice as she comes back to the reality. Quite opposite from when she played, she looked way more innocent almost vulnerable then.

„That was amazing. I didn't know you play."

„Nobody knows. And I will be happy if it stays that way." I can't understand how the hell can she change her moods so quickly and also why would she want to hide something that beautiful. But I only nod my head and change the subject.

„How do you know about this place?" In that moment I notice one thing. With exactly same thunderstrocke tone I already said it once, it was back then when she took me to the hill behind the school and I was speechless as I am now.

„As I've already told you once, I belive that everything bad in life is for something good. It can show you something beautiful." So she remebers.

„What is this place?"

„It's an old London theatre. In the beginning of the last century it was one of the most beautiful and famous theatre in the city. But during the second world war they closed it and ever since it's forgotten. Well, not completely. Once in a time a group of people comes, cleans it and plays some old film. I love it there, the atmosphere and the scene, even acoustic is different. Mick, the caretaker, gave me a key years ago and from time to time I come here to play the piano or just to sit and imagine how did it look. Like in the best times, what were people like, how did they act in here? I'd like to experienced it, even for a while." She was like a wandering soul and I couldn't take my eyes off of her. „Well... I guess we better start." She says and gets up swiftly.

„So, what do you wanna start with?"

„I have no idea. I dance only with two promilles in blood and probably quite different type of dance." We look at each other knowingly and we both smile.

„So everything." I clap my hands and then turn on some classic music on my phone and put it down. There are wooden parquets, best for dancing.

I come to her, one hand behind back and other handing towards her as I bow. „May I have your next dance?"

„No." Oh, she always knows how to make it easy for you. I straighten up and take her hip to pull her fiercely so she tumbles on my chest.

„The answer is yes." I step back so she tumbles forward, murmuring something I can't hear but I know it's nothing nice. „We start with the basic posture." I pull her closer again and explain her everything.

„Now, we can start we the first dance. Waltz and then tango."

I retreat back for a distance of our arms, but not letting her go. „Follow my steps."

After twenty minutes she knows all the steps to both dances and she is pretty good at it. „Cool, let's dance it all together." We step closer to each other and get to the pose. I count down quietly and we start. Even when we turn I look straight at her and she doesn't mislead once, dancing exactly to the pace which I suppose she gets from the piano playing.

We finish a turning and after it I lean her back a bit and kiss her to the space between the neck and shoulder as I just couldn't resist. I hear her exhale as I suck her skin and I feel she weakens in her knees so I help her to get up. I notice a flesh of something in her eyes, like an anger but I'm not sure and I definetly don't understand.
„We can move on to the tango." She quickly suggests.

„Sure." I smile, step even closer and she rubs against my body and puts one leg between mine, making it fucking hard for me to stay still. I don't understand how can she still look so innocent. We start, she still in her position making it hard for me to concentrate and after the first turning I slightly jostle my leg to the right so she stumbles and falls down. She gives me a killing gaze but I'm glad that I can take a deep breath. She stands up and we continue.

During the dance I do this again a few times, making her even angrier but my intention to keep distance isn't working, what makes me even angrier. The atmosphere between us is getting tight and as I see her cheeks blush I know she is furious. She turns her head so her hair slaps me in the face. At the end of the dance I lean her back but instead of helping her to stand up I let her so she falls down.

„What the fuck are you doing?" Is she asking me?!

„Nothing." I say offended. „And get up, we need to continue."

I explain her one more dance and then we go through everything again. For the whole time, we were teasing each other. Well, better said, she was teasing me, pulling closer and I was randomly putting my leg in her way to make her stumble. „I think that's enough." She is asking for it, and not that I would mind, but she can just tell me. She needs to tell me what she wants.

„Yeah, it is." She says and I hear an angry tone behind her words. But I just don't understand what was this all about.

„Hey, why are you angry at me? You are teasing me for the whole time and now I'm the bad one?"

„What? I'm teasing you? You were stumbling me! But I'm not gonna sleep with you." She ends and I'm dumbfounded.

„What are talking about? I don't want to have sex with you here. But why were you doing those things?"

„What things? You were stumbling me just to make me angry so I gave it back." I can't belive what is this all about. It's such a misunderstanding that I have to laugh.

„Oh geez, come here." I tell her as I sit down at the edge of the stage and wait for her to sit along. I look at her confused features and I can't get enough of her. She just fits there, to this grandious building that no one knows about. I kiss her to the corner of her mouth and I feel how she loosen up.


I hope you guys enjoy my story :)

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