Rumours - intro 2.0

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A couple of days later Alicia thought it would be best to go back home and leave Elyza on her own.
She got home to her mother screaming at Nick but as soon as she noticed Alicia she broke down in tears. Alicias relationship with her parents weren't very good they were all quite distant.
Madison sat down and asked Alicia so many questions. It came across more of a lecture and anger than a worried concerned mother.
Travis arrived home from work and actually for once looked happy to see Alicia. He apologised for anything he had done and what he could do to help, which Alicia replied with a sarcastic insult suggesting him to leave.
This obviously caused another big argument.
School started and Alicia and Elyza was inseparable. The only reason though was the fact Elyza was new, plus she only knew Alicia. Elyza didn't realise how popular her friend was until she got to school.
Elyza brought this up at lunch. She didn't understand how different a girl could be, it was like she had two lives. Not like she changed personality wise or she acted much different. She noticed things no one else had. Things like the fake smile and laughter. One thing she couldn't get her head around is the people surrounding her have known Alicia for most of her life and not one had noticed anything.
Alicias response to Elyza was like she just told a massive joke and just laughed everything off.
Last hour of school and the rumours start.
Have you heard this. Have you heard that. Elyza was the one to hear them first out of the inseparable pair.
"People are dying from a disease and the government are covering it up." This caused major panic at first. But there was no evidence so people just brushed it off. Also this rumour didn't even seem threatening.
"People make shit up all the time." and "I'm sure there is a cure, if it's true of course" was the top things you'd hear about the scenario. Elyza didn't even bother telling Alicia as she thought it was bullshit.
The final bell rung and Elyza made her way to meet Alicia at the school entrance. Elyza was greeted with a smile and a tight hug. Alicia looked really happy. It seemed genuine. They both walked to Elyzas house, to which they planned to study.

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