Chapter 1: Destroyed Kingdom

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Replacing my Sister
FullbusterFic >> vonlane

The city was in flames. Soldiers ran throughout the city with their sword in hand, making way as the new King enjoyed his triumph from where he appeared on the palace balcony. What was formerly a city of beautiful gardens, of grand fountains and brilliant statues, was now completely destroyed, full of soldiers who made sure to plant panic and assassinate everyone who was loyal to the late King. Nobody had expected the revolt of that night. The greed of one of the late King Namikaze's advisors had matured like a dark seed slowly growing until finally setting in. The fruit of betrayal had finally borne fruit. One night and the great City of Wind had been destroyed to the ground.

Two kids dressed in large capes ran through the streets trying to avoid the soldiers who relentlessly searched for them. The hoods covered their identities and the tallest would not let go of the smaller one's hand who ran behind him, tired and trying to keep up with him without comprehending anything of what was going on that night. The small one then stopped, no longer being able to run anymore while the older one ceased his hurry as he turned back and observed the palace in the distance they had just escaped. He then looked over to his little brother whose hood was falling off as the capes they had found to hide themselves were too big.

"Why are you crying?" The older one asked him.

"Because... I'm scared." The small one exclaimed, bringing his small hands to his eyes and feeling how his tears rubbed off on them.

"Princes don't cry, Naruto." His brother then explained, smiling as he grabbed the hood and fixed it in place so that people wouldn't see his blond hair.

The young boy of barely six years of age watched his older brother smile and he calmed down. He didn't understand anything, but his older brother was with him and that was all he needed. His sister had escaped some time ago with one of the palace guards— a guard they were looking for with urgency as they tried to find protection in someone who was still loyal to the late crown of his parents.

"Naruto... this is a game."

"A game?" Naruto asked. "I don't like this game."

"That's because you don't understand the rules."

"And what are they? To run?"

"Hide from the soldiers so they won't catch you or you would have to find them. Plus... the first one to find Kakashi wins." Deidara commented with a smile. "So you have to have your eyes very, but very wide open and tell me if you find him."

"I'm tired of running." Naruto said with a pout.

"Then I'll take you. Get on my back." He said to him and then crouched down to let his brother get on.

Deidara grabbed his brother and continued walking. He was barely eight years old and trying to escape from there was not going to be easy. He remembered all of the previous days: the happiness that they lived with in the palace, how he messed with the son of the neighboring King's kingdom and in just one night... all of his world had fallen, having to save his brother after having witnessed how they killed his parents.

He walked through one of the back streets until a door suddenly opened to reveal a soldier whose face was half-covered by a mask— a soldier who was covered in blood with a scar over his bleeding right eye and was trying to stop the hemorrhage with a dirty cloth he had found. Despite the scare, Deidara was able to recognize Kakashi and immediately neared him, taking the dirty cloth away from him and ripping a clean part of his own cape to cover the wound in his eye.

"Let me heal this for you. The only thing you'll get from that rag is an infection."

"Who's the teacher here?" Kakashi asked.

Replacing My Sister || FullbusterFic » vonlaneWhere stories live. Discover now