Chapter 19: Disappeared

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Naruto looked at the ceiling of the room while he let Sasuke caress the palm of his hand with his fingertips. Few people had come this far with him to know his tastes, and now here he was in front of Sasuke showing him everything he liked. He had always been a strange child; he liked things that were uncommon and among them, he liked having his hands caressed like his husband was doing now.

"We should go out to eat with the others." He heard Sasuke say.

"Yeah, I know, but..."


"I feel like staying at your side for a bit longer."

"We'll have all night for that, Naruto. It's not convenient to go out in this darkness and not without knowing where Pein is."

"Do you think we'll be safe here?"

"He won't suspect that we've entered enemy territory, don't worry. This would be the last place he'd look for us."

"It's his Uncle's territory. Perhaps he thought the same as us: that we'd be safe here."

"It's possible, but his Uncle won't be here to save him. The capital is far from the border and Pein knows that his Uncle reigns harshly. No villager is going to want to help them. He can't move without being discovered until the capital. He wouldn't risk having the villagers recognize him and hang him."

"You're right; it'd be crazy to enter a territory you're not welcomed in."

"Let's go out to eat something."

Both boys got dressed and walked out to eat dinner with the rest of the family that was setting the table. They didn't exactly know how to behave but that was something normal: never had they been before someone of such high status and yet here was the Prince of the Kingdom of Fire and the supposed heir of the Namikaze family.

After dinner, the family went off to sleep. Everyone had to work the fields and Sasuke and Naruto had to leave to the palace once again. Sasuke wanted to leave early, as soon as the first rays of light shone to take advantage of time.

In the castle, Itachi walked nervously through the throne room looking out of the large windows with the hopes of seeing his brother and Naruto walk in any minute now. He couldn't believe they had gone out and that they had yet to come back being this late. He was starting to worry that something had happened to them. Not even Pein was around and he knew this because Konan had approached him to inform him that she could not find Pein anywhere in the castle.

"Your Majesty, it is time for you to come to the dining room," Iruka informed.

"I'm not hungry."

"You should eat something. You're not going to get your brother to come soon by just standing here all night."

"Has Deidara come down to eat?" Itachi asked worriedly.

"I haven't seen him since yesterday. I left him in his new room just as you asked. Nobody has seen him since then. One of the maids had gone up to deliver his food, though he hasn't opened the door to take the tray the other times, either."

"This time I'll go."

"Are you sure, Your Majesty?"

"Yes. I'll take the tray to him."

Itachi stormed out of the throne room and made his way to the kitchen without delay. The servants who worked there had been surprised to see him; they had not expected the King himself to go down to the kitchens to find the tray. Determined to bring the food to Deidara himself, he ordered them to go on about their usual business and not worry about the task of having to go to Deidara's room.

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