Chapter 9: Lies

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Naruto woke up completely alone in his room. He brought his hand up to his forehead, slapping himself softly with it as he realized he still hadn't gotten anywhere with his supposed husband. He began to think about whether or not this whole thing was a marriage; they hadn't been intimate at all. They hadn't consolidated the marriage, all if this was just a farce, or at least, Naruto saw it that way.

He himself had told him never to come anywhere near his room unless he wanted to approach him seriously. Now, he was starting to regret ever saying it. Sasuke would never approach him voluntarily. Naruto needed him to come to him but he didn't know how to make that happen. Upon exiting his room all dressed up, he found himself with Kakashi in one of the corners as he waited for him to escort him to the grand dinning room.

"Sorry." Naruto commented. "I wasn't in the mood yesterday."

"I understand. All of this is very new to you, but the solution isn't in you pushing him away."

"I don't know how to get his attention. Do I have to challenge him to a duel or something for him to notice me?"

"Don't even think about it." Kakashi said. "What the Uchiha hate the most is being defeated. Forget about trying to be better than him."

"What if he challenges me?"

"Pretend you don't know." Kakashi replied. "He'll think he's superior. He won't ask you any questions and if he sees you as more innocent than what you really are, he could feel attracted to you."

Naruto snorted; on top of everything he had to do, now he had to feign being a useless idiot. Kakashi smiled, following him through the hallway.

"I know you don't like any of this." Kakashi spoke.

"I'm not an idiot."

"And when you get Sasuke in bed with you, you'll demonstrate it. Until then... it'll only be for a few days."


The two of them entered the grand room where only Itachi was there, sitting down with his bodyguard behind him. He greeted Naruto and Naruto bowed before occupying the same spot from last time. His husband hadn't appeared yet and seeing as how Naruto entered alone, Itachi knew right away that Sasuke had yet to sleep in his matrimonial bed. That morning, Sasuke didn't arrive, leaving only Itachi and Naruto to have breakfast, observing each other in a tense silence from time to time.

Naruto wasn't used to drinking wine. To each sip of it, a new gesture painted itself on his harmonious face as he tried to get used to the flavor. Itachi couldn't help but smile and sent for someone to bring water as it was obvious Naruto wasn't used to wine. The blond watched as they replaced his glass of wine for that of water and he looked over to Itachi who smiled at him from the other end of the table.

"Thanks." He commented with a blush on his face.

"You're welcome. Next time just ask. Don't drink something if you don't enjoy it."

"Very well." Naruto said with a faint smile.

After finishing with his breakfast, Naruto exited out of there with his head lowered thinking about how he would get his husband to get in his damn bed for once and for all. He walked through the last hallway towards the patio when he heard a lot of noise coming from it. He approached it to see how Sasuke had invited some of his friends over and were shooting arrows towards a target on the other side of the patio. He observed for a few seconds until one of Sasuke's friends noticed that he was behind them and they blushed, calling the friend at his side and they called the other until it came down to Sasuke.

Sasuke turned around, seeing his husband there in the hallway and he smiled. Sincerely... Naruto had expected to find him having sex with one of the servants. He hadn't expected to see him awake 'playing' at shooting arrows to the targets. His eyes found themselves with the target all the way across the patio. He could  successfully hit it even with his eyes closed but he maintained himself immobile.

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